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» "I'm gonna lock myself in here with a demon." «

💕🤲animal-like Jack my beloved🤲💕
‼️uh?? Intense moment in the start??🤔‼️

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   "What are you doing?"

   You glanced over your shoulder at the sight of the tall demon shuffling into the kitchen. A blanket was draped around his shoulders, part of it falling off from his hair. The way his head was tilted slightly reminded you of Luigi when he would sniff the air whenever you were cooking.

   It was weird seeing such a domestic sight of Jack. It was weird enough seeing him without his hoodie, leaving him with a white t-shirt. He looked a lot less intimidating without it. He looked almost smaller?

   "Good morning sleeping beauty." You joked before turning back, "I'm making food because I don't feel like eating toaster waffles."

   Taking the bowl you had, you turned to the demon who was now looming over you. His ears were flicking. You pressed it towards his chest while handing him a whisk.

   "And since you're up, you're gonna help me."

   A huff left his nose, it sounded rather animalistic, but he didn't argue. Surprisingly he didn't shrug off the blanket, nor did it fall off his shoulders while he stood beside you and whisked mindlessly.

   Smiling you moved on to cut up strawberries. It was funny seeing Jack so early. You could tell he wasn't all there seeing as he just woke up. Even despite the mask, you could see that his eyelids we're having trouble staying open. Though you didn't know why it really matter if they were opened or closed seeing as Jack had a hard time seeing anyway.

   He was technically blind—-at least you think? He did mention a few times how he could see, it was just different to how you could see. It confused you too much so you didn't press on the subject.

   It was silent for the most part, exception of singing birds which Jack kept tilting his head towards the window while his ears twitched at, you humming quietly out of habit, and a low comforting rumbling sound.

   You decided not to tease him about it today. At least not this early. Though that doesn't mean you wouldn't slightly tease him through a question that had been bugging you ever since you first noticed his similarities to certain animals.

   "Do you make chittering noises like cats?"

   You nearly snorted at how fast his head snapped over to you. Your lips trembled and you had to bite the inside of your cheeks to stop any laughter.

   "Y'know, like how cats make these chittering sounds to attract birds—"

   "I know, what you meant." He huffed.

   He sounded irritated but there was no real anger behind his words.

   "Well?" You smiled, "Do you?"

   He looked away and continued his assigned task.

   "I'm not answering that."

𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀Where stories live. Discover now