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» "And then he died? And then he died. Ah! Ha!" «

[y'all be mad at toby who regretted his actions meanwhile hoodie and masky attacked theo and lizzie and didn't feel bad 💀]

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"Do not touch me!"

The curly haired girl snapped at the nurse who had grabbed her arm. "I'm not leaving!"

Huffing, Lizzie glared at the doctors who were trying to coax her to leave the room. You squeezed her hand gently and sighed. Lizzie was more than aware of your well...fear of hospitals, and she would fight tooth and nail before she left you alone in a hospital room.

Your fear may seem silly to some people, hell it seemed childish to you, but like most fears it stemmed from trauma. Trauma that you did not want to dig up right now.

"Miss Cleveland please, we let you stay for the stitching but we really need you to..."

The doctor went silent when Lizzie's burning gaze turned to her. It felt a bit embarrassing to watch your friend practically growl at the professionals, just because she wanted to comfort you, but it was sweet in some way.

Your hands still trembled a bit, the unease of being in the bright white room was still planted in the bottom of your stomach. You did want Lizzie to stay, seeing as her presence was enough to distract your racing thoughts. With her there you didn't think about what had just happened nor past memories that threatened to boil over. However, you knew it was hard on the doctors and you were more than concerned for Lizzie's wellbeing. She had apparently hit her head on the ground from before.

"Liz," you started quietly, "I'll be fine. Go get your head checked out, okay?"

Her head turned to you, and her sympathetic expression made your heart ache. She looked so distraught. Her brows were creased together and a twitching frown was present on her face.


Patting her hand you forced a grin, "I'll be fine. Go make sure you don't have a concussion. Please?"

Her gaze lingered on you for a second before she sighed and her shoulders sagged. "Fine, but as soon as I'm done, I'm coming right back."

"Of course." You grinned.

Lizzie got up from her chair beside the hospital bed and made a 'I'm watching you' motion at you, before hesitantly letting the nurses and doctors lead her out.

"We'll be back later Miss Mycroft, we're just going to get Miss Cleveland set up. For now get some rest, call if you need anything."

You nodded curtly at the nurse who was the last one at the door.

"Oh-wait, before you go, how is Theodore?"

The nurse smiled reassuringly at you, "Mister DuBois is fine. Nothing major."

Fidgeting with your hands you nodded again, "Thank you."

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