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» "Every room you're in is a panic room." «

(*sees distraught over who is better: toby or jack* *laughs in possible outcome*)

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

   Scrambling up the wall, the boy dug his gloved fingers into the bricks as his one foot slipped. Breathing in heavily, his heart pumping faster than normal due to the sprinting he did, he continued to scale the building before stopping aside a window. Hastily he opened it, seeing as it didn't lock.

   Toby only knew about this method because of Jack, but he wasn't planning on telling the demon that. Unlike Jack he wasn't graceful with his entrance and quite literally fell inside, causing him to squeak due to surprise and a tic.

   Scrambling back up to his feet, tripping over his boots he stood up in a panic. Your name on the tip of his tongue before he was knocked back into the window as his head snapped to the side from the force of a punch.

   Dazed, he placed a hand to his cheek, he barely registered the sound of panicked cries and barking.

   "No! Lizzie don't hurt him!"

   Still slightly confused after being punched in the jaw, Toby blinked a few times to see fuzzy outlines of two people. Shaking his head he finally registered one of the people to be Luca. The little boy was tugging on the arm of the woman who had just attempted to knock Toby's lights out.

   Lizzie kept Luca behind her, her eyes wide with fear and anger as she kept the intruder pinned with her gaze. She kept one hand out, the one holding her phone, towards Toby as a threat he supposed.

   "Who the hell are you?!"

   Holding his jaw, Toby placed his hand on the window sill and started to stand up straighter so he wasn't crumpled against the window.

Suddenly Lizzie's eyes widened even more and she took a step back taking Luca with her.


Her fear was quickly replaced with burning anger.

   "Why are you here? You here to try and finish my friend off?" She spat.

Toby flinched as he blanked on what to say, he had momentarily forgotten he had a run in with the woman before him. Sadly the last time they met was not that pleasant and it seemed like she was not likely to forget their encounter anytime soon.

"Answer me!"

   The panicked woman hissed, rocking back and forth on her feet unsure if she should attack again or not. Luca continued to pull on her arm.

   "Luca!" She scolded the boy quietly, her voice much less harsh towards him.

"I know him!" The small brunette cried, "I know him! He's my friend!"

The didn't seem to help the poor woman at all. Her expression morphed into an expression he couldn't quite identify. Though it was something to akin of horror or dread.

𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀Where stories live. Discover now