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» "In all fairness, some of those who wander are DEFINITELY lost." «

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   Holding his breath the young boy pressed himself against the back of the slide, hidden out of sight. Using his free hand he clamped it over his mouth while his ears stayed alert to any noise around him. His ears began to sting from the cold air that bit at them. The crunching of leaves under boots made his heart race.

   "Come out come out wherever you are..~" A sing-song like voice cooed tauntingly as they circled the lifeless playground. His cold fingers trembled on the trigger of the nerf gun he held close to his chest. The crunching of the dry leaves stopped, making his brows furrowed. Slowly he peaked his head out around the crimson colored slide, when he saw nothing his hand fell from his mouth and confusion dwelled in his mind.

   However his confusion was quickly replaced when he was suddenly grabbed, causing him to scream. The person who grabbed him spun around while holding him tight to their chest. Laughing maniacally his captor began to tickle his sides making his alarmed screams morph into laughter.

   Spinning around you grinned widely, "Mwahahaha! Gotcha!" "Stooop! Stop!" Weakly Luca pounded his fists against your arms while giggling. Chuckling you stopped before putting your little brother down. Stumbling a bit he swiftly turned on his heel and raised his nerf gun, before pressing hard onto the trigger. The small foam dart hit you straight in the shoulder, which caused you to dramatically stumble back and collapse back onto the ground. Luca laughed hysterically, "You fool! This was all apart of my plan!"

   Clutching your shoulder you folded backwards into the mulch while dramatically crying out in betrayal. "I have been..defeated!" Draping an arm around your eyes you coughed, "Betrayed..by my own..brother!" Nudging you in the side with his dirt covered sneakers the thirteen year old spoke, "Alright alright come on get up." You stuck your tongue out, "I can't, I'm dead. You've killed me." Rolling his eyes the short boy kneeled down besides you and pressed his cold hands against your cheeks, "I win!" The sudden coldness caused you to jolt upwards making him laugh evilly. Glaring at the dirty blond beside you, you smiled, "Oh you little devil."

   The little boy stood up again, followed by you, "Takes one to know one." Gasping in faux offense you dug around in your coat pocket to take out a small pair of wool gloves, "Where did you learn that kind of sass?" Sticking his tongue out he fell into a fit of giggles again, "You say that like you aren't the cause!" Ruffling his curls a chuckle rumbled from your chest. Taking his hands you gently put back on his gloves, not wanting him to get frostbite.

Changing the subject you chewed on the inside of your lip, "Do you have any idea on what you wanna be for Halloween, buddy?" He watched as you fixed his gloves with a goofy smile, "Kinda. I can't decide." Raising a brow you dropped his hands as he examined the warm brownish blackish colored gloves. "Well let me hear the ideas." You listened fondly as your younger step-brother ranted happily about his ideas. His costumes ranging from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to Michael Myers. Apparently he had pondered over going as an enderman from Minecraft but then ruled it out as a friend of his from school was already doing that.

"In my opinion, I think you should go as Raphael or Michelangelo from TMNT," you hummed while putting your hands on your hips, "that way you have an excuse to throw ninja stars at people." Luca gasped and his eyes sparkled, "Why didn't I think of that?!" Laughing harder you leaned back and put a hand to your chest before attempting to calm down and ruffle his hair again. Shaking your head you could feel sweat dab at your cheek, "No buddy, no, don't do that. Your teacher would have my head."

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