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» "It would be crazy if I died." «

uh yo everyone, I have an undertale book out 👁👁
and those who read skeletal; the rewrite is also out

short chapter bc I want to actually separate the idea I had into two : )

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Swaying to the sound of the radio you continued to sweep the floor of the empty Game Stop. Lizzie had left about half an hour ago, something about her brother's car breaking down and her being the closest to his area, leaving you to the closing shift.



To be fair, if Lizzie knew what had happened last time you closed up shop she would have told her brother to suck it up and call someone else. Hell she was still hesitant to leave since your shoulder was still healing.

Once you finished up your cleaning you could head home, which your brain was begging for sleep. Twisting on your heels you shimmed as the music continued to play. Making your way over to the radio you shut it off but continued to hum to the beat of the song. Going back you put the broom away and grabbed your coat and bag.

Shutting off the lights you pulled out your phone and put Theo's number on speed dial, before pocketing it. Stepping outside you shivered from the cold and locked the door behind you.

It was November, so of course it began to get colder. Zipping up your coat and nuzzling into your scarf you began your way down the street.

It was quiet but stores still had their lights on, despite being empty aside from the employees. It was peaceful. The wind pushed against your cheeks and rustled your coat.

Readjusting your bag you grunted.

Tomorrow you would pick up Luca from school, so you had that to look forward to. Maybe start getting ideas on what he wanted for Christmas.

Personally, you didn't really celebrate any religious holidays, you didn't see any point to it. You only "celebrated" Christmas since that's what Luca had grown up believing. He wasn't religious at all, he just liked the idea of Santa even though he knew the man wasn't real.

Pulling at your scarf you looked up at the stars.

You wondered how Jack was. He hadn't come around since the hospital incident, which was fine. The man had his own life, but still it made you a bit nervous. On the topic of missing friends you hadn't heard much from your internet friend either, only the occasional short responses which wasn't like him. You figured he was busy with work so you didn't push the subject.

That strange man with the cute dog also hadn't been around much. Now naturally, that wasn't weird on its own seeing as the two of you weren't exactly friends—but with the town being as small as it is you would have at least seen him once, no?

You weren't one to think too much about these types of things but something just felt wrong. None of it settled with you, your gut refused to stop worrying about it. You squinted at the stars before shaking your head and rubbing between your eyes.

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