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» "I'm sure they omitted that out of the eulogy." «

small chapter

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   Sitting in the brightly lit hallway was always nerve-wracking. Whether it be you in the bed or on the side, hospitals were never your thing. They were stress inducing, always a little too bright or a little too crowded whenever you were in one. You hated it, just being in the vicinity of one made your skin crawl.

   Of course, you were well aware that hospitals were helpful (even though the bill always made you question the true morality of them) they just never sat right with you. It was nothing against the staff, no, the nurses were usually very kind and patient, the doctors had always been understanding too. Which was surprising considering the few regular doctors you had seen in the past were very standoffish.

   It was more the building itself which unsettled you. It hadn't always been like that, but after some good old childhood trauma, the thought of being in a hospital made you feel sick. Ironic, huh?

   That didn't matter, however. You were here for Luca, and you'd stay for Luca as long as required. Luckily, his mother wasn't visiting—part of you was convinced your father had something to do with that since he had texted you asking if you were visiting today.

   This was the first time in a long time he had interacted with you this much. You didn't know whether to find it funny or pathetic. Maybe both.

   Pressing at your eyelids, a sigh rattled past your lips. Staying up and playing Tf2 probably wasn't the best idea but it got your mind off things. You played on mute since you didn't want to bother Jack, who surprisingly didn't wake up during your little gaming session. His ear twitched maybe once or twice, but other than that, he was out like a light.

   A small part of you wondered if it was because he felt safe enough around you that he was willing to put his guard down. For some reason that thought made you feel weird, literally—your stomach felt like it had rolled, so you pushed it aside.

   Taking a breath to calm your racing thoughts, you leaned back against the chair, pushing your hair back. A nurse and doctor were taking care of something with Luca, so you had to wait until they were done before you could enter. It annoyed you a little, but you understood. Privacy and all.

   It was early, so there weren't too many people in the halls. Some nurses occasionally dipping from room to room, but nothing major. A doctor eventually stepped out of a room down the hall and passed you, smiling and nodding as a greeting. You awkwardly grinned back.

   To ease your nerves, which now caused your leg to bounce, you rested your head back with your eyes closing. Drumming your fingers along your knee, your lips formed a grimace.

A door clicked open causing you to jump. Turning to the sound you expected to see a nurse, but instead a man stood closing the door to the room down the hall. With a sigh, he started walking down the hall patting his pant pockets.

A sharp pain rolled through your skull, making you wince. Shaking it off, you made eye contact with the man who finally looked up. For a brief moment his steps faltered, slow enough to be thinking of stopping before he continued slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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