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» "If there are any demons in here, feel free to slither into my heart!" «

you have all forced my hand! 😾
(not rlly, love u guys <3)
(...also yes there are still multiple love interests, obviously)

⚠️suggestive—nothing outright⚠️

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

   "You are so clingy."

   A sigh passed through your lips as you tried to get into a more comfortable position. Jack hummed against your neck, squeezing you against his chest.

   "Dude, you gotta let me get up."

   He hummed again, "You already did."

   "That was about an hour ago to get dressed and stuff." Exasperated you breathed out shakily, trying to ignore your companion nuzzling his face into your collarbone.

   Even when you were finished with breakfast and got up to get dressed and everything, since unlike Jack, you ate before deciding to get yourself ready—it took you about twenty minutes to get the demon to not hang onto you. You weren't mad or frustrated with him about his behavior, just more exasperated, embarrassed and gobsmacked by his actions.


   "Few more minutes," was his mumbled reply.

   Honestly you weren't sure if he was doing this on purpose or if he was exhausted. Shutting your eyes you took a breath to gain your composure, before just relaxing against him. Not like you had anywhere to go, it was only ten in the morning. So here you were, trapped-but-not-really on the couch. The dogs had gone back to sleep, neither one really wanting to fully "wake up" this early.

   Picking up his hand, you messed with his fingers slowly, keeping your eyes fixated on the screen of the television. You weren't even really sure what was being played, you couldn't focus on it but you were somewhat sure it was a one of those really bad tattoo competition shows.

   Glancing down at the ungloved hand in your hold, you carefully bent his claws before unfolding them and repeating this process. Without really thinking, you brought his hand up to your mouth and gently bit his fingers. Almost immediately you realized what you did and expected some kind of negative reaction.

   There was none. Jack didn't really react at all, just wiggled his other claws. You dropped his hand after a second, going back to just messing with his fingers instead.

   After a minute of just watching the dumb show that you couldn't follow, seriously these people were arguing over things that didn't even associate with tattoos, a prick of pain blossomed in the tip of your ear.

   You blinked a few times trying to register what happened.

   "Did you just bite my ear?"

   "You bit my hand."

   You couldn't help but scoff and then laugh. He had a point, he did—you just weren't expecting such a response. Soon, your laughing died down and you again relaxed into silence.

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