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Shifting from foot to foot, you stood outside the Dunkin' Donuts impatiently. It was cold and dark, and you could have gone inside but you had been standing out here for so long it would be awkward to go do so now.

Rubbing your hands together, you hummed quietly as Coul as a Ghoul played through your earbuds. Well, earbud. You kept one bud out so you could listen to the "outside" world. The fur of the hood on your jacket tickled your cheeks when you leaned into it.


Snapping your head to the left, you grinned at the young adult approaching you. Again, his mouth was still covered but his eyes were scrunched at the sides showing he was smiling. He just radiated a pleasant atmosphere, and you couldn't help but feel happier when he appeared with his cheerful mode.

He was wearing a thick jacket (finally!), and a lighter zipped up grey jacket under it. The crimson colored scarf you had given him a while back was wrapped neatly around his neck(which you doubted he wrapped himself). Waving a gloved hand at you, he skidded to a stop beside you.

   "Hey Toby." Shutting off your music, you tucked your earbuds away. "I see you've actually dressed warmly this time."

   He laughed and tugged at the mask around his mouth, "Well after last time, I rather not be scolded again."

"A wise decision." You joked back. "Well, the movie I'm guessing starts soon, so, shall we?" Your voice dipped into an over the top dramatic accent.

You gestured to the sidewalk, signifying to start walking. The brunette's shoulders bounced with stifled laughter, before he bowed slightly and spoke with an exaggerated posh accent, mimicking your own, "We shall."

It was always fun to be an idiot with other people.

   Almost immediately, Toby picked up conversation as the two of you began walking. He tilted his head to the side, allowing parts of his bangs to fall in front of his face.

   "What were you listening to before I arrived, if you don't mind me asking?"

   "Ah," You scratched your cheek with your pointer finger out of habit. Something you did when you were shying away, anxious, or caught off guard. "Just a song called Coul as a Ghoul."

   His eyes lit up, "By The Voidz, right?"

   Eyes widening in surprise, your lips twitched upwards. "Yeah, you listen to them?"

   Laughing quietly, he closed his eyes and beamed. "I wouldn't say I listen to them, just a few songs."

   "Still counts." You gave a half-shrug.

He grinned and bumped his shoulder with yours.



Once inside the theatre, you were hit with a blast of heat. The frost on the tip of your nose immediately disappeared, and the rosiness on Toby's face faded. Thank you movie theatres for having heaters!

𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀Where stories live. Discover now