Chapter Twenty Five

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By the time you returned to the club house your food was waiting for you at the table. You sat there with JJ's words replaying over and over in your head. "Rafe Cameron killed and shot the sheriff in cold blood". Could that be true? Rafe may have been acting a bit strange but strange as in murder? Is he capable of such a thing?

"Please tell me you're not chasing after that pogue again," Becca said snapping you from your thoughts.

"I'm not chasing him," You were annoyed at that statement.

"Y/n, you literally ran out of the restaurant after him," She let out a forced laugh.

Lunch went by fast and not because you were enjoying yourself. You were zoned out, thinking about what JJ would say that night. It wasn't just lunch that seemed like a blur either. The whole day went by like that. It had been a while since you even had a proper conversation with JJ. The fact that you were now anticipating a not so pleasant conversation didn't help with your nerves.

Before you knew it, you were walking up the steps of John B's house. You hesitantly knocked on the door. No answer. A few minutes went by so you knocked again. No answer. You decided to walk around back. Maybe he was on the dock or laying out in the hammock. You walked to towards the dock and as you did you passed a tree with a large carving, a memorial of sorts. It was for John B and had "P4L" carved in huge letters. JJ and the others must have recently made it.

JJ stood along the docks resting his arms along the wooden rails. He peered over the railing looking down at the murky water below him. You went over to him unsure how to approach him. The whole time you were walking over he didn't turn to look at you or even glance over. You knew that he was aware of your presence as the squeaky loose boards of the dock made your footsteps well known. By the time you were near him he had yet to acknowledge you, so you stood next to him against the rail and mimicked his stance. You rested your body on the same wooded rails that supported the old dock and looked down below you at the water that kept everyone connected.

"You know, sometimes I stay up at night wishing we could just go back to how we were. Back when I would climb into your window. Other nights, I think about what it would be like if we just ran away to some unknown place," JJ blurred out still gazing out into the water.

You were about to respond but he continued before you could get any words out.

"I had this dream one night where I was behind the wheel of a nice ass boat. You were laying on the front in the sun. We definitely were not cruising around here. The water was too nice. But then I found myself back face down in my bed. I would be lying to myself if I said that dream hadn't made me the happiest I had been in a long time," He said.

He finally turned his head to face you.

"That dream sounds perfect," You smiled.

"I really do regret that night. I would take so much back if I could but I can't. All I can do is try to be better," He let out a soft sigh.

"I'm sure there are things I could have done differently, but it's in the past now," You tried to reassure him.

You could still tell he was worried or bothered about something in his facial expression. Almost out of instinct you pulled him into a hug, wrapping your arms around him. It took him a second to process what was going on or how to react, but he wrapped his arms around you as well. Something about this felt different than the many embraces before. It was almost like the feeling of coming home after being homesick on vacation.

"I'm sorry."

I want to get you guys involved by having a book cover contest! Design a new book cover for this book and send it to the email with your Wattpad user. Message me for the email. We will vote on a cover after the deadline!
Deadline: December 2nd (may end up extending)

 We will vote on a cover after the deadline! Deadline: December 2nd (may end up extending)

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