Chapter Twenty Six

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"I'm sorry."

You looked up at him. You weren't expecting those words to come out of his mouth. You honestly didn't know what you were expecting by coming here. For starters, you assumed JJ would mention something about his outburst from lunch from earlier that day.


"I should've trusted you that day. I've always trusted you. I don't know what happened. And that girl, I should've been honest with you that day. It wasn't what it looked like. She's one of Kie's friends. We were planning on having a bonfire that night," JJ continued to ramble on.

It made sense thinking back to what the girl had said at the time.

JJ was still rambling on at this point. He kept repeating how sorry he was and how much of an idiot he had been. Then you did something you would have thought you'd never do again. It was like out of instinct. You placed both your hands on his face, almost squishing his cheeks. You pulled him down towards you and pressed your lips against his. JJ stood there shocked, nearly as shocked as you were for initiating it. He relaxed into the kiss mimicking your actions. When you pulled away he took your hand in his.

"You, Kie, and Pope are all I have left. My family doesn't care about me. Nobody does," JJ looked down at your hand.

"I care," You dropped his hand and wrapped your arms around his torso.

He held you like his life depended on it. You could hear his heartbeat as you rested your head against his chest. You just stood there in each other's arms as if  you were making up for the time lost.

"I can't lose you Y/N," JJ slid down so he was sitting on the planks of the dock.

You sat down in front of him. He leaned forward so now his head was against your chest. He needed comfort.

"I keep losing everyone," He muttered.

You felt a spot on your shirt get wet. Within seconds JJ was in tears. You held him while he cried. You could tell he had been needing to just let everything out. The two of you sat in silence. The only sounds that could be heard was the water below the dock and the occasional sniffle coming from JJ.

"You're not going to lose me. I'm not going anywhere," You said.

You were still curious as to what caused his outburst back at the clubhouse but now just didn't seem like the right time to bring it up. You also didn't want to make JJ any more upset than he already was.

"It's about damn time," Pope announced his presence as he walked up to the dock.

That made the two of you laugh. There you were in a tear stained top sitting crisscross on a dock with JJ Maybank.

"I take it the Kook princess is back with us?" Pope teased.

"Right where she belongs," JJ smiled and kissed the back of your hand.

"Well whenever you're done with whatever is going on here, there's pizza in the house," Pope said before heading back to John B's.

JJ almost immediately got up after hearing that. He looked back at you with a raised eyebrow as if to ask if you were coming with him. He reached out to offer you a hand getting up. You walked with him back to the house.

"Pizza is not the only thing I'll be eating tonight," He whispered with a chuckle.

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