Chapter Two

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When you woke up the next day, it was like the hurricane never made landfall on your property

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When you woke up the next day, it was like the hurricane never made landfall on your property. All the debris had already been cleaned up under your Mom's command. You had power from the generator your Mom worked so "hard" to get the day before. Everything seemed so normal again. That was how it was on Figure 8.

You changed into a bikini with a pair of shorts and oversized shirt over it. You loaded your surfboard on the roof of your Jeep. While you were strapping the board down a motorbike pulled up in the driveway.

It was Rafe Cameron. Rafe was one of Topper's best friends and one of the biggest troublemakers as far as Kooks go. You were not a fan of him to say the least.

"Need help with that?" Rafe asked smirking as he approached you.

"I think I got it actually. Thanks though," You finished strapping the board down.

"Pfft. Will I see you at the party tonight?" He leaned his hand on the car door before you opened it to get in.

"Party?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Did Top not tell you? The Pogues are throwing some party on the beach tonight over at the Cut. You know us Kooks have to make our debut," He smirked.

"Fun," You pushed his hand off your car and hopped in. "Bye Rafe."

He watched you drive off for a minute before heading inside your house to presumably find Topper. You headed to the beach to meet up with Becca for a surf session. She was already laid out on top of her board in the sand when you arrived.

You and Becca spent most of the day surfing. The waves had died down at this point so you were just sitting on your boards in the water.

"Did you hear about a party tonight?" You asked Becca.

"Oh yeah. I would have asked if you wanted to go but it didn't seem like you're think," She responded.

"What do you mean?" You looked at her.

"It's just... you know... you're kind of innocent and all," She started explaining.

"I am not," You splashed her with water making her laugh.

"Okay, okay. Let's go tonight but we have to get you looking hot, babe," She grinned.


Becca was over at your house getting ready with you. It was a beach party, so she dressed you in shorts, a cropped tank top, and a light sheer cardigan. She put subtle makeup on you just to highlight your features.

"My beautiful best friend is all grown up," She sounded like a Mom.

You were heading out the door when Topper stopped you.

"Going somewhere?" He crossed his arms.

"We're going to the party at the Cut," You said confidently.

"Guess I'll see you there," He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Can't wait," Becca blew him a kiss jokingly.

You headed over to the beach on the Cut's side of the island. You were surprised at the amount of people there. There were Kooks, Pogues, tourists, etc. People were drinking and talking. There was a bonfire and keg stand. It seemed chill. You were walking around with Becca checking things out.

"Hey! It's the Kook princess!" Someone shouted.

Kook princess. The nickname you took on when Sarah went missing. It wasn't your choice.

You turned around and saw it was no other than JJ Maybank. The same JJ who put a gun to your brother's head at a party last year. Also the one who was charged with sinking his boat. He did not have a good reputation with Topper. And to add to that list one of his best friends was John B, the guy who took his ex from him.

"Didn't expect you out of all people," JJ approached with a cup. "Drink?"

"What did you do to it?" Becca asked eyeing the cup.

"Laxatives. Lots and lots of laxatives," He said straight faced.

"That's disgusting," Becca crossed her arms.

"Thank you for the drink," You took the cup from him and lifted it slightly in the air as a cheers.

Becca pulled you away from him slightly spilling your drink.

"You're really just going to accept drinks from a Pogue? And JJ out of all of them for that matter?" She was eyeing you down.

You stared at her as you took a sip from the cup. You figured it would be some kind of alcohol but you didn't think it would be as strong as it was. It made your face scrunch up.

"That's what you get," She laughed.

The both of you spent most of the time hanging out with people and drinking. You were not wasted but more buzzed. You were having a great time letting loose for once.

Becca had went off with a guy and you were enjoying just being around people. Then Rafe came up to you with a smirk across his face.

"Y/n, glad you could make it," He was close to you.

"Me too," You backed up a bit smelling the alcohol on his breath.

"Let's go back to my place. Doesn't that sound fun?" He slurred his words as he reached to touch your face.

"I'm here with Becca. Sorry," You backed up more.

"I don't see her. Do you?" His grin reappeared.

Then you saw Rafe being forcefully shoved away. It was JJ from earlier.

"She said no Rafe," His face looked stern and strands of his blond hair fell in front of it.

"What are you going to do? Pull a gun on me like you did to Topper last year?" Rafe laughed causing JJ to lunge at him.

"What do we have here?" Topper approached getting involved.

"What we have is Rafe getting frisky with your little sister. Are you going to do anything about that Topper?" JJ growled leaving Topper standing there quietly. "Thought so."

Luckily, another Pogue stepped in and pulled JJ away from the situation before it got worse. You ran off to the car not knowing what to do and just sat there waiting for Becca.

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