Chapter Seventeen

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Light shined in through the blinds abruptly waking you up from your sleep

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Light shined in through the blinds abruptly waking you up from your sleep. You were just in your underwear and JJ's shirt. You turned over on your side, revealing a sound asleep JJ. Small snores would occasionally escape from his lips. His eyes began to flutter open. He turned towards you and smiled.

"Good morning," His voice was groggy and deeper than usual. "Watching me sleep?"

"Oh you know, my favorite pass time," You laughed.

He pulled you in his arms and placed kisses on your forehead. Then, the front door swung open, startling both you and JJ.

"JJ!" You heard a familiar female voice shout. "We need to talk!"

JJ sighed. He got up out of bed and quickly slid on a pair of shorts. He left the room to greet his friends. You were hoping he wasn't trying to hide you from them but you also knew they didn't approve of you. Pope pretty much confirmed that at the Camerons' dinner.

You could hear every word they were saying in the other room.

"Pope told me you're still getting in fights with Rafe, JJ. Do you want them to press more charges against you?" Kiara sounded angry.

"I like her, Kie," JJ sighed.

"Obviously, but did you have to fall for Rafe's girl and not to mention Topper's sister?" Pope was quiet while she spoke. "You don't know what her intentions are."

"I bet there's some scheme between all the Kooks and she's apart of it," Pope finally chimed in.

That hurt.

"That's ridiculous," JJ began getting angry. "You guys gave Sarah a chance. Why can't you do the same with Y/N?"

"Don't you dare bring them into this-"

"You know what," Pope interrupted. "We should be out there looking for our friends but we're in here fighting."

"He's right," Kiara sighed.

They didn't know you were there. You wanted to keep it that way but that meant you had to get out of there. You quickly searched around the bedroom for your clothes, but you couldn't find them anywhere. All you had was what you were wearing, your underwear and JJ's shirt. You figured your clothes were in the living room or in the kitchen, but how were you going to retrieve them. JJ's shirt practically covered your underwear so at least you were a bit decent incase you were caught. You waited until you heard the screen door to the porch open and close. Then, you peaked your head out the bedroom and made sure no one was around. You hurried out into the living room and began picking your clothes up from the floor.

"Are you kidding me?" Kiara said walking out of the bathroom.

You froze.

"Uh, hey Kiara," You turned around to look at her and smiled slightly.

She looked you up and down, analyzing the situation. JJ walked in followed by Pope.

"So, you're sleeping with her?" Kiara said. "Like a reoccurring thing."

"No.. I mean yes, but it's not like that," JJ wrapped his arm around you. "Y/N is my girlfriend."

You smiled trying to reassure her but she remained there with her arms crossed on her chest.

"I'm just going to go now," You made sure you had all your clothes.

You didn't bother changing. You just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. The tension in that house was too much. JJ needed to talk to them without you present anyway.

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