Chapter Eight

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It was Friday, the day of your Mother's banquet

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It was Friday, the day of your Mother's banquet. You heard JJ's motorbike pull up behind your house. You told him it would be best to park in the back to avoid Topper, your Mom, or anyone really. You led him up to your room.

"You clean up nice for a Pogue," You smiled adjusting the white button up he was wearing.

"I'm full of surprises," He winked with a smirk across his face.

His eyes were looking straight into yours while you fixed his collar. You could feel your face getting warm as his blue eyes kept fixated on what you were doing.

"I'll be right back," You went in Topper's room to find a bow tie that would match the dress you would be wearing.

Luckily, Topper had an extensive wardrobe so finding a bow tie was easy. A nice dark green bow tie. When you went back to your room you found not only JJ but also Becca.

"You didn't tell me you were bringing a Pogue as your date," Becca grinned sitting on your bed. "Especially the playboy Pogue."

"Becca, knock it off," You wrapped the bow tie around JJ's neck.

"Hey, it's better than some other things I've called," JJ laughed looking over at Becca unbothered.

"He's definitely a pretty boy. I do have to get ready though," She headed out the room.

"Perfect," You straighten the tie. "You're all ready."

"I don't think I've ever dressed up this fancy," He went over looking at himself in the mirror.

You grabbed your dress out of your closet. It was a long flowy dark green dress. It had a v neck cut and spaghetti straps similar to Midsummer's. That tended to be the style you liked. You did a simple makeup look and left your hair down since the banquet was on the beach. The breeze would mess up any style you did to your hair.

You came out of the bathroom to JJ propped against one of your open windows smoking a cigarette. He turned towards you.

"You look... beautiful," He smiled.

"Thank you, thank you," You jokingly bowed.

JJ offered his arm and led you to your car. He seemed surprised when you let him drive your car to the banquet. The event was bigger than you thought it would be. Your Mother had rented out an entire building as well as a section of the beach. JJ looked nervous seeing everyone walking in the venue.

"If I get beat up, at least I get beat up with a pretty girl. Right?" He turned towards you.

"You're going to be fine," You reassured him.

He escorted you in the venue. Everyone's heads turned and looked at the two of you, mainly JJ. You could see how nervous he was but he was acting like nothing phased him. The first half of the banquet was socializing so that was left to you. JJ stood by your side while people came up to you. After a dull hour passed dinner was being served. You and JJ were sat at the main table with your family. Topper kept eyeing him but not saying anything.

"I need a blunt," JJ whispered to you.

"We can sneak out after this if you want," You looked at him taking a bite of food.

"Is the Kook princess rebelling?" He smirked.

The banquet would still be going on for a few more hours after dinner. You could tell he was over it and you were too. Once Topper finished his post dinner speech you grabbed JJ's hand. The two of you made your way out of the venue and to your car. You ended up back at the Cut, John B's house. He led you out to two hammocks between two trees behind the house. He hopped in one of them taking off the bow tie and unbuttoning his shirt halfway. You got in the other taking off your shoes. He pulled a blunt from his pocket and placed it between his lips, lighting it.

"Want a hit?" He took a long drag then offered it to you.

You took it even though you had never smoked before. After one drag you were sent into a hysterical coughing fit. JJ looked over at you and raised an eyebrow.

"Ahhh I popped your weed cherry," He laughed.

You reached over and smacked him while you were still proceeding to cough. Eventually you got used to the feeling and the coughing eased up. The blunt was passed back and forth between the two of you. You were in the clouds at this point. JJ was high but not nearly as high as you. You would turn and just stare at him for no reason, zoning out.

"Checking me out?" He smirked.

"Probably," You giggled.

"Me too," His smirk changed to a genuine smile.

"How can you check yourself out?" You looked at him confused making him laugh.

"Checking you out," He laughed.

"Oh... OH," You felt your face get warmer than it already was.

"Let's go inside. I'll get you some clothes to change into. You should probably stay the night since it wouldn't be smart for either of us to drive like this," He helped you out of the hammock leading you inside.

JJ gave you a pair of shorts that went down to your knees and a t shirt with holes in it. It was a different look for you. Maybe it was the drugs talking, but you kind of liked it. He let you take the bed while he got a pull out in the living room. You passed out pretty quickly not even thinking about any possible consequences this would end up having.

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