Chapter Eleven

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JJ anchored the boat in the water

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JJ anchored the boat in the water.

"We have some time," He lifted his shirt off over his head.

He dove off the boat and into the water. You slid off your shorts and took off your top revealing the bikini underneath. You joined him and jumped off. When you came up for air you didn't see JJ anywhere around you.

"JJ?" You were practically spinning in the water trying to see if you could spot him.

Then you felt hands wrap around your ankles. Within seconds you were pulled back under the water. You came up to JJ laughing and splashed him.

"Okay, I admit I deserved that," He continued to laugh.

"You scared me," You joined in on the laughter.

He was trying to mess with you again but stopped when he was close in front of you. He was frozen, his blue eyes looking in yours. The distance between the two of you became obsolete. JJ leaned in and pecked you on the lips. He pulled away.

"Sorry, I-," He began to say.

You wrapped your arms around his neck catching him off guard. You placed your lips on his while he placed his hands on your waist pulling you closer. The kiss changed from subtle to passionate pretty quick. He took the lead. JJ wrapped your legs around his waist supporting your body in the water. A boat passed by causing small waves around you. He pulled away with a smile across his face.

"I should probably get this money back," He helped you back on the boat.

You dropped him off at John B's and headed back home. When you arrived at the dock Topper and Rafe were standing there waiting on you for who knows how long. Topper snatched the keys from your hands right away.

"You know the rules. You know you're not allowed to be on my boat without me," He was close to his shouting tone. "What the hell did you think you were doing?"


"More importantly, one of your trash Pogue friends broke into my house and robbed me last night," Rafe got in your face.

"Back off Rafe," You pushed him back away from you.

"And I bet I can guess which one it was. Your little boy toy. Don't worry though, we have cameras outside my house. We'll catch him. If you're involved, don't think we won't press charges on you too," He got back in your face before turning around. "Come on Top. We have some Pogues to hunt down."

Topper briefly looked at you then followed Rafe. Apparently they're Pogue hunters now. You went up to your room and plopped down on your bed. There wasn't much you could do besides wait around on whatever the Camerons found on their security cameras. You still wanted to know why JJ took the money in the first place but you didn't want to upset him by bringing it up.

"Ahem. Y/N. Who's is this and why was it in your room?" Your Mom came in holding the shirt JJ let you borrow from the banquet.

"Why were you going through my stuff?" You grabbed the shirt from her.

"Who's is that? I know that is not Topper's," She kept persisting.

"Everyone in this house is psychotic," You watched her leave after that comment.

Your family and friends were so against you being around JJ or any Pogues for that matter. It wasn't like Topper was just trying to be the protective older brother either. As for Rafe, it could be jealousy or just some kind of grudge from last year.

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