Chapter Twenty Two

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The party continued like nothing happened, but you were a complete mess. Becca tried to comfort you and you pushed her away. Even Topper saw how upset you were and tried to reach out. Something was especially wrong if he was trying to comfort you. You couldn't take it anymore, knowing you had hurt the one person you truly cared about. You had to do something.

You went to the one place you would imagine JJ storm off to. John B's house. You made it there probably faster than you should have, especially considering the few drinks you had at the party. That wasn't on your mind though. You were worried about JJ. When you arrived at the house, you ran up to the front door and immediately started banging your fist on it.

The lights were out throughout the house but you knew he was around. You even tried twisting the doorknob but it wouldn't budge. That's when you decided to go around to the back of the house. You were about to try the door to the porch, until you noticed a figure standing out on the dock. You ran, nearly tripping, to confirm it was who you thought.

"JJ!" You shouted but he didn't turn around to face you.

He stood with his arms resting against the fence of the dock, staring out onto the marsh. There was a glass bottle down beside his foot.

"I don't want to see you right now," His voice was shaky.

"I don't care. We need to talk," You said. "You're upset."

"Yeah? You're the one who made me feel this way," He snapped at you.

You got closer to him to where you were able to see his face. The light from the moon reflected off his tear stained face.

"Do you really think I would cheat on you?" You managed to ask with your now shaky voice.

"I didn't think you would but I guess I was wrong," JJ still wouldn't face you.

"Rafe came onto me, JJ. I even pushed him off of me. I didn't want that and I don't want him. I just want you, my boyfriend," You said.

He didn't say anything.

"Why can't you see that I love you?" You were on the verge of tears.

He finally turned to you and got close to you. JJ rested his forehead against yours, looking in your eyes. He held your hands close to him.

"I love you too, y/n," He said. "I'm sorry. I should have trusted you to begin with."

"It's okay," You smiled up at him.

The first time you had ever said "I love you" to each other. It didn't go exactly how you imagined but at least you knew he felt the same way you did. More importantly, he was okay after what happened with Rafe.

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