Chapter Nineteen

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The Phantom? How was JJ involved with this boat? You watched them from the storage area, trying to hear what Sheriff Shoupe was saying

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The Phantom? How was JJ involved with this boat? You watched them from the storage area, trying to hear what Sheriff Shoupe was saying.

"I would hate to see what happened to the people on that boat," Becca whispered.

"Can you be a bit more empathetic?" You sighed.

"What? It's true-"

Becca was going to say something else but paused when the you noticed a figure hovering above, looking down at the two of you.

"Oh hey Shoupe," Becca stood up from hiding to make eye contact with him.

You followed her lead and stood up next to her.

"Would you ladies like to explain what you're doing in a restricted area?" Shoupe sighed.

You began to say something but Becca cut you off before you could.

"We were just trying to find JJ. You see, Y/N here is seeing him and JJ hasn't been responding to her messages. So, I decided to be a good best friend and help her find him," Becca nervous laughed. "Relationship issues, you know how it is."

"Right... Well now that you two know where he is, I'm going to have to ask you to stand behind the cop cars with everyone else," Shoupe said.

Becca smiled and nodded. You grabbed her hand and led her to where Shoupe was indicating. Along the way, you felt eyes watching you. Kiara, Pope, and JJ were watching you two the whole time. That wasn't apart of the plan.

"And you told the Sheriff that because...?" You looked at Becca.

"What? Did you have a better idea?" She asked.

"I don't know... Maybe that we were just curious as to what was going on?" You looked back over to where they were lifting the boat out of the water.

JJ walked over to where you and Becca were standing.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"We were curious as to what was going on. We saw the lights and wanted to check it out for ourselves," You said.

"Exactly. How are you involved with all this?" Becca put herself in the conversation.

"It's a long story. Nothing bad. Y/N, can we talk about this privately? Please?" He sighed.

You nodded and followed him away from the crowd of people you were standing in.

"So, that destroyed boat over there? It's mine. Well, my Dad's. I let John B and Sarah use it last summer to flee and get away from here. He was facing some serious charges, which he was innocent of, but you know how it is for a Pogue," JJ was rushing his words. "Ward was framing him for murder. He had to do something. The cops chased them into a storm and we never heard from them. I always hoped they might have escaped somehow. I guess I was wrong."

He looked so upset.

"You don't know what happened," You grabbed his hand. "They still might have escaped. You never know."

He didn't say anything.

"JJ! They have more questions for us," Pope called out for him.

"I have to go," He said briefly before disappearing within the docks.

You watched from a distance as the cops searched what was left of the boat. They were pulling it to pieces in an attempt to recover any clues or information. There were not any signs of human remains as far as they could tell. Then, you were distracted by a truck slamming on its brakes. You turned to see Ward and Rafe heading towards the sheriff. Ward looked angry and intimidating. Rafe looked like he was trying to mimic him, which he was doing a terrible job at.

You stayed for a few more minutes but decided to go home. Nobody was going to tell you anything. You were just going to have to wait for JJ to talk to you. All you could do was be there for him.

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