Chapter Four

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Your Mom was helping you get ready for Midsummer's

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Your Mom was helping you get ready for Midsummer's. She was zipping up the back of your dress while you stared at yourself in the mirror. It was a red dress with a v neck and spaghetti straps. The dress came down to your ankles having a slit revealing one of your legs.

"Beautiful," You saw your Mom smile in the mirror.

"I want you to know I'm doing this for you," You turned around facing her.

She stared at you for a second then grinned before pushing a strand of hair out of your face.

"Remember to smile," She headed downstairs.

You heard a motorcycle pull up in the driveway. You looked out the window to see Rafe in a suit taking off his helmet.

"Your date is here," Topper stood in the doorway of your room.

You pushed past him and went outside. Rafe whistled and grinned at you when he saw you.

"First of all, I'm not getting on the back of that," You threw your car keys at him. "Second of all, I'm only going with you for my Mom's sake. Finally, after we walk in I'm separating from you."

"Got it," He winked getting in the car with you.

Rafe managed to get the two of you at the venue safely. You linked your arm with his as he walked you in. You faked your smile but you knew his was genuine. He was proud of himself. He was proud of what was happening. People were dancing and gossiping to each other. The Pogues had to work and serve at the event. You saw your Mom glancing at you every now and then making sure you were still with your "date".

"I'm going to go to the lady's room," You looked at Rafe before heading inside needing a break from everything.

As you were walking someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you on the porch where nobody was. It was JJ. He was dressed in a white button up and brown apron. You looked at him confused not knowing what was going on.

"You're here with Rafe?" He looked concerned and annoyed at the same time.

"You don't understand," You sighed.

"I understand I'm a Pogue and all but after what I saw it seems a little ridiculous for you to be here with him. Don't you think?" He shrugged.

"I know," You looked down.

"Kooks are weird man," He said. "You thanked me for helping you and then show up to an event with him."

"Why do you care?" You looked at him.

"Just a concerned citizen," He shrugged.

"Is everything okay here?" Rafe came over to the two of you.

"Everything is fine," You sighed before he offered his arm to you.

You took his arm and followed him back out to the party. Rafe turned his head back and glared at JJ shaking his head. JJ returned back to his station where he was helping Pope. You saw them talking and glancing over at you.

"If he keeps bothering you I'm going to put an end to it myself," Rafe led you to the dance floor.

"He's not doing anything," Your voice getting more annoyed.

"He's a Pogue, Y/N. His friend is the one who corrupted my sister and now she's missing. They're always up to something," He furrowed his brows still trying to get you to dance.

"I can't deal with this, Rafe. I didn't want to be here to begin with, not with you. It doesn't help that all you've done is talk negatively about other people," You said before walking away for the second time that night.

You sat on the steps in the front of the venue leading up to the entrance. Midsummer's was going exactly like you thought it would. You ditched Rafe while you were sure that Becca was having fun with Topper.

"Need a drink?" You turned your head to see JJ standing behind you holding a flask.

"I could use about anything right now," You said forcing a small laugh.

He sat down next to you on the steps and handed you the flask. You took a swig from it. The alcohol immediately burned going down your throat. Your face scrunched up as a reaction to the taste. JJ just started laughing at your reaction.

"What is this?" You looked at him still with a slight burn in your throat.

"I see you're not used to liquor," He laughed.

"I don't drink in general," You joined in on the laughing. "Caught me off guard."

JJ stayed with you for a while. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but you opened up to him. You told him about your Mom and how she was the reason you were Rafe's arm candy for the night. You talked about how annoying it was that your best friend had a thing for your brother. He sat there with you and listened and joked with you about it all. It made you feel better about everything.

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