Chapter Thirteen

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JJ woke you up the following morning by trying to sneak out of the hammock to use the bathroom

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JJ woke you up the following morning by trying to sneak out of the hammock to use the bathroom. When he was trying to get up he caused the hammock to flip. The both of you dropped to the ground.

"Ouch," He laughed.

"That's one way to be woken up," You joined in on his laughter.

He helped you up off the ground. You were following him inside when Sheriff Shoupe came around the corner. Shoupe was promoted to Sheriff lasted year after the death of the last Sheriff and his partner, Peterkin. JJ froze in his tracks.

"What can I do for ya Sheriff?" He leaned against the doorframe to the patio.

Two deputies came around from around the corner right as JJ spoke. You looked at JJ and then at the deputies. Were they here for him? Did they know about the money? Shoupe took a deep breath and handed JJ a piece of paper.

"JJ Maybank, you are under arrest for the robbery that occurred at the Cameron residence or Tanneyhill. I have a deputy searching your house right now and another is going to search this one," Shoupe pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

"Shoupe, JJ didnt-"

"Save it. Here's a copy of the warrant at your house. Y/N Thornton, you're under arrest for being an accomplice," Shoupe nodded towards the deputy next to him who approached you.

"Hey, Y/N didn't do anything. It was all me. Come on. Remember everything that happened last year?" JJ pleaded as Shoupe handcuffed him.

Shoupe just ignored him. The deputy handcuffed you and walked you to his cop car. Before he drove you to the station you watched as JJ was placed in the other car. You ended up being placed in a holding cell. At least JJ was next to you in the other one.

"This is all my fault. I'm so sorry," His voice was cracking like he was about to cry.

"You didn't do anything, JJ. It's okay," You said trying to calm him down as well trying to prevent him from slipping up on accident and saying something.

"You don't deserve to be in this situation," He sighed and paused. "My Dad is going to kill me."

"We will figure it out, okay? If you need to stay with me you can," You wanted to hug him more than ever in that moment.

An hour passed. JJ was silent for most of it. You figured he needed some time to himself to think about what was going on and what was going to happen. Shoupe came over to your holding cell and unlocked the door.

"Your Mother is here for you. She's filling out the papers now," He held the door for you. "Topper is with her too."

Shoupe led you to the front of the station. As you followed him you saw JJ sitting in his cell against a wall. He looked up at you and smiled halfway. Before you were out front where your Mom and Topper were Shoupe paused.

"You're a good kid, Y/N. You don't need to get involved with the wrong people and mess up your life," He said before continuing walking.

Your Mom was signing papers while Topper talked to one of the deputies. He smirked as soon as he saw you.

"Come on Y/N," Your Mom called walking out of the station.

"I can't leave JJ here," You looked at her.

"Don't worry. I heard his Dad was on his way," Topper patted your shoulder and walked out.

"Y/N Y/M/N!" Your Mom shouted.

You didn't have a choice. You didn't want to leave JJ there. You wanted to at least stay for him. Neither of those were an option in that moment. You had to leave him there knowing his abusive Father was coming to get him.

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