Chapter Twenty Three

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You stood there for a few minutes with JJ's arm wrapped around you, your face buried in his chest. He appeared to be happy but something still felt off. It was almost like he was guilty of something but trying to play it off. You just tried to convince yourself that maybe it was an effect from the alcohol he had. Maybe he drank more than the empty bottles scattered on the dock.

"Can we head inside? It's getting kind of cold out," You broke from his embrace.

JJ started walking with you towards the porch of the house before coming to a complete stop. You turned to look up at him, confused as to what was wrong.

"Actually, it is pretty late. I can take you home if you like," He finally said.

The time never bothered him before. You had stayed over at his plenty of nights. What worried you more was the fact he had something to drink and was still offering to take you home.

"What's going on?" You asked.

He looked at his feet, not making eye contact with you.

"JJ?" You grabbed his hand.

"Just let me take you home," His voice was starting to get shaky.

You were about to press him for an answer when the screen door to the porch flung open. A girl you had never seen on the obx before stood in the doorway. You assumed she was a tourist of sorts. Just her presence alone was enough to make your heart stop.

"JJ! Are you coming?" She shouted in your direction. "Is she joining us too?"

Tears built up in your eyes clouding your vision and before long they overflowed down your cheeks. You started heading for the road. You couldn't look at her or him any longer.

"Wait! Y/N!" JJ ran after you.

He caught up to you surprisingly considering the amount of alcohol in his system and grabbed your arm. You tried to push him off of you but his grip was tight on your skin.

"Y/N- I didn't.. We didn't do anything. I promise. I wasn't thinking. When I saw you and Rafe I just acted out. I don't know what happened. She's nobody. I-" He sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

"The fact is you were going to. Not even an hour after what happened at the party," This time it was you who couldn't look at him.

"Don't leave me," JJ was crying now. "Please."

"Maybe I should have let you take me home when you had the chance," You managed to spit out.

You got out from his grip due to him now in tears. All you wanted to do was go home and lay in bed alone. So, that was what you did. You kind of felt guilty considering he thought you cheated on him too, but he was the one who was actually going to. You just didn't know what to think or how to feel. It wasn't like you could talk to anyone about this either. You knew what would happen if you tried talking to Topper or even Becca. They had a bias against him. You were just kind of there left with your thoughts battling each other on what to do.

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