Chapter Twenty Seven

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It had been a few days since you last saw JJ. You tried not to take it as a bad sign. He was the kind of person who needed space once in a while. Even if it wasn't his intention. You worried about him in the sense that you wanted to know if he was okay, but it didn't make you worry about the status of your relationship with him.

"I'll never understand how you can be so comfortable not knowing what he's up to," Becca raised her sunglasses to get a good look at you.

The two of you were lounged in a hammock in your backyard.

"I trust him. If he was in trouble or if something was wrong he would find me," You responded as a way to reassure you at the same time.

The main thing that weighed heavily on your mind is what JJ had said about Rafe at the clubhouse. He didn't elaborate about it to you at John B's. In all honesty, you didn't do a whole lot of talking after making up. JJ was a bit too excited to have you back.

"Is he at least going to your birthday party?" Becca asked.

"He better," Topper walked up joining in on the conversation. "I'm tired of him hurting you."

"Top, he hasn't done anything," You said back.

"That's one of my problems with that pogue," He snapped. "Here, mom wanted me to give you this."

"Bye Topper!" Becca called out as he walked back inside.

She was so desperate for him. At this point Topper knew and just liked to mess with her. You knew he was still recovering from Sarah.

Topper had handed you a copy of the birthday invitations your mom made. Your mom was so excited to throw this party for you. She had always been into throwing extravagant events for every occasion. Birthdays were her favorite though. She went all out for them.

"We need to get you something to wear for the party," Becca noted.

"I have time. We still have a few days," You said.

She rolled her eyes. Knowing her she already has something for herself and has an idea of what she would want you to wear.

"Hey, where's Top?" You heard someone say as they approached you.

When you looked over, you saw Rafe standing there with a slight panicked expression. You didn't say anything instead you just froze. JJ's words about him being a killer replayed in your head.

"He's inside," Becca informed him without any hesitation.

Rafe nodded and started heading to the door before Becca interrupted him.

"Hey! Are you going to Y/N's party?" She shouted out.

"I wouldn't miss it," A faint smile appeared before he went inside.

"See. Why can't you just date a nice kook?" Becca remarked.

She had completely forgot what JJ said a few days ago. More like she ignored it. Ever since JJ made that comment you would tense up at the mention of Rafe. Just then was the first time you had saw him since. He just gave off bad vibes now. Maybe it would be for the better if JJ didn't come to the party. You didn't think it was a good idea for both Rafe and JJ to be in the same room. It wasn't a good idea before but now JJ thinks he killed someone.

You looked down at the invitation in your hands. You were dreading going to an event that solely celebrated you. You knew there was going to be drama, but what kind? These thoughts and possibilities weighed you down.

So.. it's been a minute. I apologize the updates on this have been all over the place. I recently graduated university so I don't have an excuse not to update. Hold me accountable, I will get this story done.

I am curious if you want me to start following season 2/3 events or just go forward with my own story. If I followed season 2/3 events it would just be some discussion on the big scenes in the season. Or should I wrap up the book soon?

 Or should I wrap up the book soon?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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