Chapter Ten

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In the middle of the night you were woken up by repetitive thuds against your window

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In the middle of the night you were woken up by repetitive thuds against your window. You turned the light on the nightstand in and cautiously walked over to where the noise was coming from. It sounded like something was hitting the glass. When you moved the curtains, there stood the blond Pogue on the section of the roof in front of your window. You opened the window confused and let him in. JJ had a backpack with him as well.

"What are you doing here? What is that?" You gestured to the bag.

"Okay. Look, I am- was in debt to someone but now I'm not," He shrugged. "I just happened to be in the area so thought I'd stop by."

You noticed it had looked like someone hit him in the face to the point of causing a black eye.

"JJ.. What happened?" You got closer to him to look at his face where he had been hit.

He sat his bag down on the floor next to your bed.

"I owed this guy money and I found a way to get it. It's just someone happened to be there when I got the money," He tried to be discreet and careful about how he worded things.


"Fine! I stole it from the Camerons. Rafe was there. He was drunk when I took it and gave me this," He gestured to his face. "I do owe someone the money though."

You opened his backpack and there before you were bands of cash. What really caught you off guard was what was sitting on the top, a gun.

"You have a gun?" You almost shouted making JJ cover your mouth.

"I didn't use it. I should get going though," He smiled trying to comfort you.

"You're staying here in case anyone goes looking for you. I can be an alibi for your whereabouts and say you've been with me all night," You sat back down on your bed.

"If you wanted me to stay the night you could've just asked," He smirked.

"I'm being serious."

"I know. Thank you," JJ went over and shut the window before making sure the door was locked. "If Topper wasn't going to kill me before, he will for sure now."

You laid back down in your bed after a back and forth debate with JJ over who would sleep on the floor. You told him he could have your bed but he insisted on being on the floor. You laid there for a few minutes in the dark with him just laying on the floor before you gained some courage.

"Get in the bed, JJ. It's big enough for the both of us," You moved over giving him a spot.

He hopped in with you pretty quick without much hesitation. He made sure to still keep his space out of respect for you. You could feel the warmth radiate off his body almost instantly.

"I should steal more often," He chuckled.

You smacked his arm. He fell asleep before you a few minutes after. When you woke up in the morning you were cuddled up against him with your leg around his and your arm draped around his chest. You looked up and saw that he was awake and got off of him.

"I'm so sorry," You felt your face getting hot.

"You're fine," JJ laughed.

He got up and went over to his backpack. He took the gun out and tucked it in his pant's line under his shirt.

"What are you doing?" You sat up looking at him.

"I need protection if I'm going to be transporting this money," He looked at you with his mischievous grin. "Someone might jump me."

"I may not agree with the way you came across this money but I don't want you getting jumped. I'll take you back," You grabbed your clothes and went in the bathroom to quickly change.

You led JJ past Topper and your Mother, grabbing the keys to Top's boat. You pulled him by his hand down to the dock. He didn't seem to care as he tossed his backpack in the vessel.

"I don't think I have ever been on a boat this expensive," He was admiring it.

"Here," You tossed him the keys. "Top doesn't like when I drive it anyway."

You didn't go to the Cut right away. JJ was having fun speeding through the marsh and passing other boats. He had the biggest smile across his face.

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