Chapter Fourteen

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You could not sleep that night

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You could not sleep that night. You laid restless staring up at you ceiling with thoughts circling your mind. You had no idea if JJ was okay. The Cut still didn't have power from the storm so you couldn't reach him. It would be hard for you to drive over to him with Topper constantly lurking over your shoulder. Your Mom made him "responsible for you".

Topper came in your room in the morning to wake you up. You were already awake having not slept that night. Cap was next to you sound asleep curled up in a ball with no care in the world.

"I had plans with Rafe today so I guess you're coming with us," He said.

"You don't have to babysit me. Since when did you listen to Mom anyway," You needed to find a way out of the house to see JJ.

"Mom is threatening me with everything I have if I don't keep an eye on you. You're supposed to be the good kid, remember?" Topper seemed just as annoyed as you. "I'll invite Becca too if that makes you feel better."

It didn't make you feel better in the slightest. Topper was determined though. Maybe Becca could take you to see JJ? That could be a possibility.

"I'll be down in a second," You said.

Topper nodded and walked out. You quickly threw something on not really caring what you looked like. You said bye to Cap and got in the car with Top. He picked up Becca and drove over to Rafe's.

Everyone decided to hangout on the Camerons' boat. Ward was persistent on it, giving everyone a lecture about staying out of trouble. He seemed focused on you in particular during the whole conversation. Topper and Becca were all over each other. Becca was sitting on him with her arms wrapped around him. It was one thing to hear about Topper from Becca but to actually see it made you uncomfortable.

"Y/N, Can we talk?" Rafe asked.

"I guess," You mainly just wanted to get away from Top and Becca.

Rafe led you to the front of the boat and leaned against the railing.

"You're not going to push me off are you?" You raised an eyebrow.

"No, of course not," He chuckled. "Just wanted to talk."

You looked at him, signaling him to continue. He sighed.

"I have a proposition. Rose is throwing a dinner for our family including extended. It would look good if I had a date and you know my Dad and Rose like you-"

"No Rafe. I'm not going to play pretend with you," You cut him off.

"Let me finish. My Dad never charged you with anything. It was more to scare you and teach you a lesson about the Pogues. If you go with me, I'll get him to drop the charges against JJ," He said.

He looked serious about it. You didn't want to be seen anywhere with Rafe. If he was being serious, JJ would be off his probation and not be in debt to Outer Banks. You knew his Father was giving him hell for having to bail him out. This was your chance to help him out for once.

"I'll do it." 

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