Chapter Twenty Four

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The morning sun seeped through your windows. You tossed over on your side facing away from the blinding beams of light. The late state of sleep the sun had put you in then made you aware of the movement going on beside you. You slowly opened your eyes to reveal a stirring Rafe, tossing and turning in an unrestful sleep beside you.

Now I know what you're thinking, but let's get everyone caught up.

You didn't sleep with Rafe in the sense that you may be thinking. It had been about a month since you and JJ had your fight and a lot had happened. Ever since the Phantom had been discovered it was rumored that John B and Sarah died on their escape from Outer Banks. Plus, if John B was still alive he was wanted for the murder of sheriff Peterkin. You tried to reach out to JJ and forget about what happened between you two. After all, John B was his best friend. JJ never responded or called you back. Calls would get sent to voicemail and who knows if he even bothered reading your texts.

Now, where does Rafe come in? He was over at your house one night hanging out with Topper and you actually had a conversation with him. You felt bad that he had lost Sarah. You couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose a sibling. Yeah, Topper can be annoying but you couldn't imagine your life without him. Rafe was there mainly as a form of support and comfort. You needed comfort after what happened with JJ. Rafe needed comfort about everything going on in his family. It was more of having someone there in that moment.

Rafe had changed too. Not necessarily in a good way though. Ever since the Phantom appeared offshore, Rafe had this "off" vibe to him. Topper and Becca claimed he was acting the way he was due to what happened with his sister, but there was obviously something more to it. There would be moments where the slightest comment would send him spiraling into a storm of fury. Not to mention his drug use had increased quite a bit. Despite this, he was the one beside you in bed.

Rafe's eyes slowed forced themselves open making eye contact with you. The two of you were a bit of a distance apart as what was happening between you wasn't intimate as many would assume. A faint smile appeared across his face even though minutes earlier he moved restless. He was opening his mouth to speak when his phone began ringing relentlessly. With a grunt, he swung his arm over to his phone. The conversation was short. You weren't sure what it was about or who he was talking to at first. All of Rafe's input was just a simple "mhm" or "I understand". Then he hung up.

"I have to go," He got up and made sure he had everything.

You didn't even have time to say anything or ask him why he was in such a hurry. By the time you had sat up he was out the door. It's not like you wanted him to hang around in the morning but it was strange for him to be in such a hurry to leave. The mysterious phone call just added on to your curiosity. That didn't matter at the moment though. You needed to get ready for lunch with Becca at the club house.

You met up with Becca who was already seated at a table. She was intensely scanning over a menu like her life depended on her food choice. Her excitement was triggered once she noticed you. She shot up and gave you a hug with a giddy smile across her face.

"Y/n! I'm so glad you could make it," Becca said before taking her seat again.

You sat down and listened to her ramble on about the latest drama happening in Figure 8. After you ordered food you had kind of zoned out, not caring much about the gossip and lives of others.

"Why is he here," Becca said snapping you back into reality.

You turned around, almost on cue, and there he was. JJ Maybank. He was carrying around a tray and a pitcher of water. He looked absolutely miserable in that waiter uniform. You couldn't help but look at him. Seeing him in person forced you to realize how much you truly missed him.

You were quickly pulled from your thoughts when you heard JJ yelling at a table.

"Can I have everybody's attention, please? I have a little announcement to make! My best friend, John B, did not kill Sheriff Peterkin! Rafe Cameron killed and shot the sheriff in cold blood!" JJ shouted.

He then returned back to the table he was at previously before getting into a fight with one of the people sitting there. Before it could get too physical, the manager came out and broke it up. The last thing that everyone in the restaurant saw was JJ handing over an apron and storming out.

Out of instinct, you got up from your table and followed JJ out of the club house. What were you going to say to him? You hadn't spoke to him in a month. You weren't thinking about that. He was heading to his motorbike getting ready to leave.

"JJ! Wait!" You shouted.

He froze.

"What are you doing here," JJ turned to you.

"Making sure you're okay?" You noticed how tired he looked and how drained his eyes appeared.

"I'm fine," He said stern, turning to his bike.

"Can we talk?" You asked.

He stayed quiet.


"Tonight. Come to John B's," JJ got on his bike and like that he was gone once again.

Y'all don't get mad at me (at least not yet).
I'm trying to tie season 2 into this but also I'm down for feedback if you're not interested in season 2 being involved.

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