Chapter Sixteen

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JJ ended up staying the night

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JJ ended up staying the night. You woke up with your head on his bare chest in your bed. It threw you off and made you sit up. His shirt was all the way across the room. Surely, if something happened there would be less clothes? His eyes slowly opened and a smirk slowly crept across his face. He reached behind him and put his hands behind his head.

"What? You like what you see?" He chuckled.

You playfully smacked his arm.

"I got hot in the middle of the night. Hope you don't mind," He kept his smirk.

"You're good," You noticed how dark his black eye was. "He really did hit you good."

"Pfft, did you seem him?" He laughed.

"Yeah, you nearly killed him JJ," You thought back to the night before.

JJ was on top of Rafe beating him into the gravel in front of you. You couldn't tell if the blood on the rocks were JJ's or Rafe's. JJ kept throwing punches. Rafe tried to choke him which only made the situation worse. At that point, JJ had him in his hands struggling to breathe. You had to pull JJ off of him to snap him back into reality.

"You know I wouldn't kill him. Just had to scare him a bit. It was the heat of the moment," He smiled and placed his hand on your knee.

When you were sneaking him out of the house, you heard Topper coming down the stairs calling for you. JJ in a panic hid behind the couch in the living room.

"Are you going to tell me what happened last night?" Topper crossed his arms.

"I'm sure you heard from Rafe," You looked back at him. "Can I go now?"

"I'm still supposed to watch you," He continued with his stern front.

"Rafe told me that Ward didn't actually press charges against me. You knew that though, so drop the act. While you're at it, stop pretending to be Dad," You knew the last part would set him off.

His whole demeanor changed. He looked shocked that you brought your Dad up in the conversation. That was the one topic that was off limits in fights and just in general. He walked out the front door not before slamming it. You heard his car start up and it speed off. JJ walked over to you confused at what just happened. You just continued walking him out.

"Come back to the Chateau with me," He sat on his motorbike with his hand out waiting for you.

You took his hand and hopped on the back of the bike. You had to wrap your arms around his waist tightly in order to feel like you were not going to fall off. JJ didn't seem to care as he would try to show off with how fast he could go. He knew it meant you had to hold on tighter.

JJ led you inside John B's house aka the Chateau as he called it.

"You have no idea how relieving it is to come back here after being at Kookville," JJ sighed of relief. "No offense of course."

"I can imagine," You sat next to him on couch on the porch.

"You know, you're not who I thought you would be. I mean... considering you're the Kook princess and all. I didn't think I would actually like spending time with you," He said leaning back against the couch.

"You're not too bad yourself, Maybank," You smiled.

He turned to face you.

"I never thought these words would come out of my mouth but I want you to be my Kook princess. All jokes aside, what I'm trying to say is. Will you be my girlfriend, y/n?" JJ smiled nervously.

"Yes!" You smiled and giggled. "Does that make you my Pogue prince?"

"I prefer Pogue Knight," He chuckled.

JJ tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear and smiled. He slowly leaned in until the distance between your lips disappeared. The kiss slowly became more and more passionate. You ran your hand through his hair that seemingly ignited something in him. He began placing kisses down your neck. You lifted his shirt over his head, revealing a smirk across his face. He then picked you up and carried you into the kitchen. You were placed on the counter where he made sure your head didn't hit the cabinets.

This was definitely going to be a new experience for you.

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