Chapter Nine

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You woke up confused at first as to where you were and looked down at the clothes you were wearing

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You woke up confused at first as to where you were and looked down at the clothes you were wearing. You got out of bed and looked around a bit trying to find JJ. He was passed out on the pull out bed in the living room. Your mouth was dry so you went in the kitchen to grab a glass of water or just anything to drink.

"Um... What are you doing here?" You turned around to see Kiara standing in the doorway to the porch.

She glanced down at what you were wearing then back up at you. This did not look good. Pope was standing behind her wide eyed not saying anything.

"I, uh, crashed here," You managed to get out.

"JJ!" Kiara shouted walking past you towards the living room.

"Nice shirt," Pope half smiled.

"Oh.. thanks," You finally got your glass of water.

You could hear Kiara shouting at JJ while Pope just stood with you.

"I did not sleep with her Kie," You overheard JJ.

"Why is she in John B's house then? And wearing your clothes?" She sounded mad. "Did you not learn from John B?"

Then JJ joined you and Pope in the kitchen followed by Kiara.

"Hey JJ," Pope saluted him. "I'm proud of you."

You nearly spit out the water you were drinking. Then you realized how mad and worried your Mother probably was. You and JJ just kind of left the banquet without explanation.

"I have to go. Do you know where my keys are?" You went over to JJ.

He went back in the living room and came back with them.

"You can go ahead and take those with you. I don't know where your dress went," That made Pope and Kiara turn to him quick.

"Thank you," You gave him a quick smile before heading out.

You drove home hoping either nobody would be home or nobody would be outside. It appeared like nobody was home when you pulled up. Once you walked in you were cornered by your Mother and Topper.

"Told you she was out all night with that low life," Topper crossed his arm smirking. "I mean look at what she's weari-"

"Enough Topper! Y/N, what do you have to say for yourself?" Your Mother looked at you.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I went or where I stayed last night," You apologized to her not exactly meaning it.

"I bet she slept with that Pogue," Topper chimed in once again.

"Topper that's enough! Y/N, go to your room," Your Mother fired back.

You were happy to go to your room at that point. Topper watched you go up the stairs with the biggest smirk across his face. You changed out of JJ's shorts and into a pair of your own. His shirt was comfortable so you kept it on.

"You made quite the scene," Topper barged in.

"Why is it you're in here exactly, Top? To ridicule me some more?" You rolled your eyes.

"I'm just disappointed that out of all guys in the OBX you would go for a Pogue. Hell, out of all the Pogues you went for the one that tried to kill me," He crossed his arms.

"Whatever you're trying to do is not going to work," You responded.

"I just refuse to let my little sister get involved with scum-"

"Get out!" You pushed him out the room shutting the door.

You thought back to the night before with JJ. Where it was just you and him laying on hammocks with the breeze going through your hair. Nothing else mattered. Everything felt perfect.

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