Chapter Five

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Midsummer's ended up turning out better than you had expected

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Midsummer's ended up turning out better than you had expected. You and JJ spent the rest of the night talking and sharing the flask between the two of you. He wasn't what you thought a Pogue would be like. Especially after what Topper had told you about John B.

It was the morning after Midsummer's. You slept in from the alcohol which was unusual for you. You threw on a bikini and a pair of shorts. The waves were at their peak for surfing. You looked around your room for your sunglasses but couldn't find them anywhere. Maybe Topper had an extra pair.

You grabbed everything you needed from your room and headed to Topper's. You opened his door to find both him and Becca naked in his bed. So much for the sunglasses. So much for a best friend. You "accidentally" slammed the door walking out of his room and went out to your car.

Now you were upset about the sunglasses and Becca situation. One bothered you more than the other but still. You drove into town looking for a shop. While you were driving you noticed a blond hair boy walking along the side of the road. It was no other than JJ. You were running into him everyday at this point.

As you got closer to him, you were able to see the bruising and cuts on his face. There was blood dripping down his face staining his shirt. He looked mentally hurt. It looked like he had been through more than just a fight with some Kook.

You pulled up next to him and rolled down the window.

"JJ, what happened?" You asked concerned.

"Oh ya know, just got into it with my Dad. I'm fine really," He shrugged.

There had always been rumors about how abusive his Dad was. Kooks would use it as a way to provoke him in fights.

"Get in," You practically demanded.

"What? Not even going to bribe me with candy?" He halfway smiled.


"Okay, okay. Only cause your little Kook friends are about to leave that coffee shop," He hopped in lowering the seat trying to hide himself in the car.

You started driving towards your house in Figure 8.

"Whoa whoa, you can just drop me off back at the Cut," JJ sat up.

"I'm going to clean you up and there's nothing you can say to convince me otherwise," You pulled up in your driveway where Topper and Becca were sitting on the porch swing.

"I'm at the house of my enemy. Do you know how much trouble I am going to be in when he sees me here? Especially with his sister?" He looked at you.

"That's why we're going to sneak in through the back," You got out the car and led him around through the back.

You pulled him into your room.

"You realize the same woman in this house pressed charges for sinking your brother's boat," JJ sat down on your bed.

"I'll be right back. You stay here," You left the room to get a medical kit.

"As if I would leave with all these Kooks in this house," He muttered to himself.

You came back and locked the door incase your Mom or Topper tried to barge in. You sat down next to him and wiped the blood off his face. Then you patched up the actual cuts on his face.

"Why are you helping me?" JJ asked.

"You helped me. I help you," You smiled finishing up. "Good as new."

"So, your best friend is with your brother," He raised an eyebrow at you.

"Yeah, I kind of found out this morning," You forced a smile.

There was a knock at your door.

"Y/N, can we talk?" It was Becca.

You cracked the door open and peeked your head out.

"Can we please talk?" She pleaded.

"Now is not a good time," You responded.

"When is? Come on. Please Y/N," She kept on.

"Becca, I can't. It's not a good time. Just trust me on that," You shut the door.

JJ let out a whistle mixed with a sigh. He had somewhat of a smirk across his face at the conversation between you and Becca.

"I'll never understand Kook drama," He laughed.

"Kooks are pretty ridiculous, huh?" You joined in.

"I'd love to stay and chat but I have fishing to do," He stood up.

You drove him to the Cut and to John B's house. He said that he stays there from time to time due to how his Dad treated him. When you pulled up you saw Kiara and Pope waiting on JJ. They looked confused when you pulled up with JJ. He got out and you saw Kiara yell at him about something. You didn't want to get involved so you left.

JJ was different than what Topper had made him out to be. It was conflicting with the gun and boat situation but he didn't seem like that kind of person. He didn't seem like what people made him out to be.

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