Chapter Fifteen

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Your Mom could not have been more excited that you were going to a dinner at the Camerons'

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Your Mom could not have been more excited that you were going to a dinner at the Camerons'. Topper just thought it was amusing. Becca brought over one of her dresses for you to wear and was helping you get ready. The whole time all you could think about was JJ. The last time you saw him was in the holding cell.

"What's on your mind, girlie?" Becca asked while she braided a section of your hair.

"Just about how much I don't want to go tonight," You forced a laugh.

"Come on, give Rafe a chance. He could always be the one to take care of you later on in life," She smirked.

"I'm going to ignore that," You just looked at her.

"I mean, he is going to inherit all that money," She laughed but you knew she was serious.

"On that note...I'm going to head out," You grabbed a small clutch and headed over to Rafe's.

Rafe was waiting for you by the front door. He looked a little shocked to see you.

"Did you not think I would come?" You asked.

"Fifty fifty," He opened the passenger door to his car for you.

Rafe drove you to a venue where the dinner was hosted at. There were a lot of cars already there. How big was his family? He led you inside and began introducing you to everyone. People kept complimenting you and telling Rafe how beautiful you were. They would even tell him how lucky he was that you were with him. It was overwhelming. "For JJ," You thought.

Rafe went off to find a bathroom so you were standing around by yourself. You didn't want to make awkward conversation with his cousins or any other family members for that matter. Then, you felt someone grab your arm and pulled you aside. It was Pope. He was dressed similar to Midsummers' with an apron wrapped around him. Him and his Dad were part of catering for the dinner.

"After everything JJ has done for you? He cares so much for you and you're with Rafe," Pope was raising his voice the more he spoke.

You placed your hand over his mouth.

"I'm not with Rafe. I'm doing this for JJ, Pope. Rafe said if I went with him tonight as his date he would get Ward to drop the charges against JJ. That's the only reason I'm here," You hushed him and removed your hand.

"You really think Ward will drop the charges? You don't know him like I do. The Camerons use people, especially Ward. Don't mess up whatever it is you have with my best friend. I've never heard JJ talk about someone the way he talks about you. Usually, he brags about some random tourist girl hookup," Pope said before walking back to catering.

You didn't expect that from Pope. You thought he didn't like you since you were a Kook. Maybe he still didn't. Then you thought about what he said about JJ. It made you happy.

"What are you smiling about?" Rafe walked up to you.

"Nothing," You felt eyes watching you, Pope. "I'm going home."

"Remember our deal?" Rafe looked confused.

"You were never going to talk to your Dad in the first place, Rafe. Even if you did, Ward wouldn't drop the charges," You looked up at him.

"I-," He began but cut himself off.

You made sure you had all your belongings and headed out of the venue. You had no idea how you would get back home but walking was better than staying at the dinner. You took off your shoes and began walking home alongside the road. A car stopped next to you after half a mile of walking. It was Rafe's.

"At least let me give you a ride. This is sad to watch," He leaned out the window.

"I'm fine," You kept walking as his car slowly followed next to you.

"Come on," He stopped the car and got out.

You continued walking, ignoring him. He grabbed your arms aggressively forcing you to come to a stop. You turned around shocked at the fact that he touched you the way he did. As you stood there in shock you heard a motorbike pull up from behind you.

Within seconds, JJ stood between you and Rafe. He looked like he could murder Rafe at any given moment. JJ threw the first swing. Rafe fought back hard. You could hardly keep up as far as who was in the lead. Then it got brutal.

"JJ stop! You're going to kill him!" You shouted grabbing his arm.

JJ got off him, leaving him on the ground. Both of them were bleeding and beginning to bruise. JJ helped you on his bike and took you home. Everyone was asleep so you took him inside to your room. It seemed like you were always having to clean or bandage wounds on him.

"How did you know where I was?" You asked cleaning the last bit of blood.

"Pope saw Rafe driving after you. He came and got me," He forced a smile through his pain.

Who knows what would have happened if JJ had not shown up. Rafe could have just taken you back to your house or actually tried something with you. Luckily, JJ was there for you yet again. You still were worried about the charges against him. He kept coming to your rescue. What could you do for him?

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