Chapter Seven

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Rafe and Topper were standing in the driveway outside your house dressed in their golf attire

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Rafe and Topper were standing in the driveway outside your house dressed in their golf attire. 'Great' you thought putting on the fake smile you had practically mastered. You hopped out the car heading towards the front door.

"Y/N! Wait!" Rafe grabbed your arm. "I wanted to say I'm sorry, for everything."

"I appreciate the apology Rafe," You turned back towards the house.

"Be prepared. Mom is going to be on to you about her banquet," Topper crossed his arms laughing.

"Banquet?" You muttered to yourself walking inside.

"Oh, there you are! Nearly sent someone out looking for you," Your Mom pulled you into the living room.

"What's going-"

"I'm hosting a banquet on Friday with all the finest businessmen and the wealthiest individuals of Outer Banks," She began with the proudest smirk across her face.

You could only imagine where this could go.

"Basically only for the top of the top. You and Topper will be going of course. I can't talk to multiple people at once so you have to socialize for me dear," Her smirk failing you disappear.

You started to get up, assuming that was the last of her speech.

"One more thing. You need a date. We wouldn't want you to seem... weak. Rebecca already agreed to go with Topper. I'm sure a certain Cameron would love to be your date," She stopped you dead in your tracks.

"I may have gone to Midsummer's with Rafe, but I am not bringing him as my 'date' to any other event," You protested.

"As if you know anyone else you could go with," Your Mom crossed her arms.

"As a matter of fact, I do," You smirked heading up to your room.

When you walked in your room, there sat Becca on your bed waiting on you. She looked like she had been crying. It was like everyone was waiting to confront you all at once.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I don't want to let a boy get in between us," Her words were shaky. "I miss you and our surf sessions."

"I just don't want to see you get hurt. You know how Topper is," You sat down next to her holding her hand. "You're my best friend and I want the best for you. I'll support you no matter what. I just know how he is with girls. Plus after what happened with Sarah."

"I really like him Y/N," Becca looked at you with her watered over eyes.

"Then I'll support you... but if he hurts you I'm going to kill him," You laughed trying to make her feel better.

"Thank you," She hugged you tightly. "What are you wearing for the banquet?"

"I still have to ask a certain someone to go," You shrugged.

"What do you mean? Have you not talked to Rafe?" A puzzled expression appeared across her face. "I just assumed since your Mom."

"There's no way in hell am I going to be seen with him again," You sighed.

Becca stayed and talked for a bit but left once Topper and Rafe got back from their golf game. You patiently waited until you heard Rafe's motorcycle leave to go out to your car. You hopped in and left once you knew nobody was outside to start asking where you were going. It was already dark out so who knows the amount of questions they would ask. You drove to the Cut towards John B's house where you last dropped off JJ. This was a bad idea on multiple levels, but you were not going to go to this banquet with Rafe. The fact the banquet existed in the first place was bad enough.

You pulled in the driveway beginning to second guess yourself and your actions. It was too late at this point, you were already at the house. JJ's motorbike was out front so he was there at least. No going back now. You went up to the front door and knocked. After a few minutes the door creaked open.

"Can I help you Kook princess?" Kiara answered confused and annoyed.

"Is JJ here?" You asked making her sigh.

"JJ! You have company!" She shouted turning around waiting on him.

JJ came out from one of the rooms. He looked shocked when he saw that you were at the door. Kiara walked passed him running into him ever so slightly on purpose trying to make a point. JJ then joined you outside on the porch.

"What are you doing here? Not that I mind," He leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"My Mom is hosting this banquet Friday. I have to basically represent her and the family name. The problem is, according to her I need to bring a date," You looked at him.

"Why are you telling-," He realized what you were getting at and pulled a cigarette out from his pocket. "Don't you have a Kook friend that you could take?"

"I have Rafe," You shrugged as he took a drag from the cigarette.

"You realize I'm a Pogue. You're asking me to go to the outskirts for some banquet. I'm going to be targeted," He exhaled smoke from his lips.

"Please JJ, nothing is going to happen. There's going to be security and Topper will be distracted. I just need a date for the night," You pleaded watching the way his lips parted on the cigarette butt.

"Okay, okay. Fine," He put his hands up keeping the cigarette in his mouth.

Instinctively you ran up and gave him a hug. You didn't expect him to actually agree but the fact that he did meant a lot to you. It gave you a reason to look forward to one of your Mom's banquets.

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