Chapter Twenty One

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Rafe was over at your house helping Topper get everything together for the party they were throwing. There were a few of his other friends over as well. They were setting up keg stands, snack tables, stocking the bar, and just decking out the house. You had planned to go elsewhere for the night but Becca wanted you to be there with her. Plus, you wanted to make sure nobody would be using your room for their own benefits.

You heard the first few guests arrive downstairs, so you went down to join them. Topper had his arm wrapped around Becca's waist. A sight you would never get used to seeing. Before long the house was packed with people. It seemed like everyone on the OBX was in your house.

"Come on, y/n. Lighten up. Have a drink!" Becca handed you a red solo cup.

You took a sip from the cup. The liquid burned the whole way down your throat. You must have made a face based off the way she laughed.

"That's disgusting," You looked at her.

"Come on," She grabbed you by the hand and pulled you into a crowd of sweaty teens.

People were dancing and drinking. This wasn't your scene and it never used to be Becca's either. She started dancing and tried to get you to dance alongside her. Topper came over and joined the two of you. You had enough once he started feeling up on her. You went in the kitchen to grab something nonalcoholic to drink and there was Rafe with a group of people. They were hovering lines of white powder on the counter. You made the mistake of making eye contact with Rafe.

"There's my girl!" He shouted. "Come take a hit. It's on me. Just for you."

"I'm good Rafe," You sighed, grabbing a cup of water.

Rafe walked over to you.

"You know, you would be a lot more fun if you did," He scoffed.

"You're lucky that you're Topper's friend," You said.

A smirk appeared across his face. Out of nowhere, Rafe grabbed your face and pressed his lips against yours. You pushed him off of you immediately. You were in shock. He still had his cocky grin.

"Are you kidding me," A familiar voice said behind you.

You turned around to find a hurt JJ. His eyes were apparently saddened. He began making his way to the front door.

"JJ! Wait!" You shouted following after him.

He paused and turned to face you.

"I should have known better. You're no different than your cook friends," He said.


"Save it. Kie was right about you. You're just a cook princess. So go back to macking on Rafe and get the hell out of my life," He walked out.

The room fell silent for half of what he said. Everyone was listening and stared at you. You looked back at Rafe who had his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face. Becca was staring at you too next to Topper. You didn't know what to do.

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