Chapter Six

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Topper barged in your room not knocking beforehand

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Topper barged in your room not knocking beforehand.

"You could have at least knocked first. I could've easily been naked," You rolled your eyes.

"Let's go for a ride," His monotoned voice said before walking out.

You threw on a bikini and shorts then joined Topper at the dock connected to your house. He was loading a cooler in the motorboat. You went ahead and hopped in sitting on one of the hot chairs. He joined shortly after behind the wheel.

"Why the spontaneous trip?" You asked.

"You'll see," He started the engine taking off parting the water in the boat's path.

You looked out at the water with the wind blowing through your hair. The smell of salt water in the air. You retrieved a beer from the cooler and cracked it open. Topper was silent while he maneuvered the motorboat. He was up to something.

"What are we doing here?" Realizing he was taking you to the Cut.

"I know you've been hanging out with the filth," He crossed his arms.

"Don't call them that," You responded annoyed.

"You hangout with filth, you get filthy. You see how this place looks? Compare the Cut to Figure 8. You know you don't belong here," He rolled his eyes at you.

"You're ridiculous Topper," You sipped your beer needing it.

Almost like it was on cue JJ, Kiara, and Pope passed by on their boat. They all stared at you and Topper. JJ was more confused while the others looked annoyed.

"Speaking of trash," Topper muttered.

"Can we just go?" You looked at Topper.

"I made my point," He smirked heading back home.

When you got home, you made sure your surfboard was on your Jeep and headed to the beach. A surf break was a must at this point. You undressed down to your bikini and grabbed your surfboard running into the waves. After a few waves you sat on your board in the wave before the waves crashed.

"Mind if I join you?" The blond hair boy broke the wave with his board.

"Not at all, hope you can keep up," You smirked at JJ paddling towards an incoming wave.

You and JJ kept challenging each other on each wave that approached

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You and JJ kept challenging each other on each wave that approached. He was stubborn. After an hour or so you returned to the shore.

"I have to admit. You're pretty good for a Kook," He laughed.

"Am I challenging your expectations?" You smiled at his compliment.

"Am I challenging yours?" JJ smirked.

"Maybe a little," He walked with you back to your car to load up your board.

He helped you strap the board down to the roof of the car. When you turned around to thank him you were against the car with him right in front of you. JJ was inches away from your face. He put his hand against the car next to your head.

"Thank you," You smiled.

"Anytime princess," He smirked.

"JJ! I know I'm not seeing what I think I'm seeing," You heard a girl yell.

You peeped over JJ's shoulder to see Kiara standing there with Pope. She looked beyond angry. Pope was standing there wide eyed. JJ turned his head towards them.

"I'll catch you later," He winked walking off with them.

You got in your car imagining how close JJ just was. How he smelled like subtle weed (that was a new scent for you) mixed with ocean water. And those blue eyes. You shook your head with a smile on your face. This boy was stuck lingering on your mind.

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