Chapter Twenty

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You were about to get into bed when you heard a couple soft knocks at your window

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You were about to get into bed when you heard a couple soft knocks at your window. You went over to the window to investigate. There sat JJ outside your window, waiting to be let in. You lifting the glass and he climbed in. When the light reflected off of him, it revealed cuts and bruises along his face. His nose had remains of dried blood left under it. Below his eyes were stained with tears.

"Oh my god, JJ. What happened?" You went up to cup his face.

This was the worst you had ever seen him. His eyes showed how hurt he was on the inside.

"My dad... He's upset about the boat," He sighed.

You grabbed the first aid kit in your bathroom that was practically ready at all times at this point and began cleaning up JJ's face. Every now and then he would wince as you wiped each cut with rubbing alcohol.

"I just wanted him to know they found the boat," He sobbed. "But he wasn't happy."

His voice caught and trailed off. He was trying to keep himself from crying.

"Shhh, it's okay," You pulled him into your arms, trying to comfort him.

JJ let out a soft groan sounding like he was in pain. You stopped and looked at him confused. He sighed and lifted up his shirt, revealing more bruising along his ribcage. You stared for a minute in shock at what you were looking at. How could a father do this to their child?

He laid down on your bed and put his hands behind his head.

"I'm okay. I promise. All I want right now is to sleep next to you," He half smiled.

You crawled into bed next to him and placed your hand gently on his chest, fiddling with his necklace. After a few minutes, his breaths grew slower paced. JJ finally was peacefully asleep. Every now and then his muscles would twitch.

When morning came around, you were awake before him. You decided to go in the kitchen and make breakfast for the two of you. Topper was out as well as your Mother. It was just you and JJ in the house. You were finishing up flipping pancakes when you felt arms wrap around your waist. JJ placed his head in between your shoulder and neck, burying his face into you.

"Almost ready," You smiled.

JJ was still visibly upset, but he had every right to be. He stuffed his face with pancakes and checked the time. He stood up frantically.

"I need to get going," He kissed your cheek and headed out the door.

You were confused as to where he needed to be so early, but you didn't ask. Then, you heard the front door open. Topper and Rafe came walking in, talking loud as per usual. They came in the kitchen. Apparently Topper wanted to show Rafe his new blender for his protein shakes or something. You headed up to your room and even from there you could hear them talking. You overheard them talking about how Topper was going to throw a party at your house when your Mother was gone. That was the last thing anyone needed.

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