Chapter Three

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You had stayed the night at Becca's house since you didn't want to see Topper after the party

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You had stayed the night at Becca's house since you didn't want to see Topper after the party.

"So, you mean to tell me a Pogue stood up for you?" She raid raised an eyebrow.

"How many times do I have to tell you the story," You were getting annoyed thinking about how she had left you alone when it all happened.

"Okay. okay," She put her hands up in defense. "How about I take you out for lunch. My treat."

Becca drove the two of you out and the restaurant seemed kind of far out for the typical restaurants she took you to. She pulled up to The Wreck, a restaurant owned by one of the Pogue's family.

"What are we doing here?" You looked over at her.

"Why not?" She got out of her car. "Are you coming or what?

You got out following her inside the restaurant hoping drama wouldn't erupt. When the both of you walked in your eyes immediately caught on to the group sitting at a table in the corner. It was Pope, Kiara, and JJ. You looked away but before you did you saw Pope spit out his drink once they saw the two of you walk in. They started whispering amongst themselves.

"Go ahead and take a seat," Kiara's Dad gestured over to the tables.

Becca walked over and sat at a table near them. You followed her but you could feel eyes on you as you walked. She placed an order for the both of you.

"Are they here to antagonize us?" You overheard one of the Pogues say.

"Pope keep your voice down," You heard presumably Kiara say.

"Hey, I'll be right back," You said getting up.

Becca looked at you dumbfounded. You walked over to the table the Pogues were sitting at. They stopped talking and looked up at you with a similar expression Becca had.

"I just wanted to say thank you for last night. I genuinely don't know what would have happened if you didn't interfere," You looked at JJ.

The others turned to him like they were waiting for him to speak.

"No problem. He's a dick," JJ smirked putting his hands behind his head proud of himself.

You nodded and went back to your table.

"What was that?" You heard Pope ask JJ. "There is no way that was real. I mean the Kook princess just thanked you JJ! Topper's sister thanked you JJ."

"Keep your voice down Pope," JJ hushed him.

"You can't tell us that was not weird JJ," Kiara sighed.

"Can we just move on?" JJ laughed.

Becca paid for the meal and headed out the restaurant with you.

"You know he's kind of cute. Not as cute as your brother but-"

"That's disgusting," You rolled your eyes at her.

"Come on. At least let him be my date to Midsummer's," She practically pleaded.

"Will that help you get over your fantasy or make it worse?" You laughed.

"Don't know until you let me," She teased.

"Okay fine," You laughed trying to hide how uncomfortable you were with the situation.

Becca dropped you off at your house. You were dreading the conversation you were about to have with your Mom about Midsummer's.

Midsummer's was probably the biggest party for the Kooks as far as status went. It was a party for all the Kook families to get together and discuss their wealth and businesses. Your Mom was ecstatic that Topper was going with Becca since her parents had the largest fishing industry of Outer Banks. However, your Mom wanted you to go with Rafe. Rafe was a Cameron and your Mom wanted you to be seen with one of the Camerons. Rafe was the son of Ward Cameron, a wealthy business man. The Camerons had gotten involved with the John B and Sarah case last summer but there was never enough evidence to build a file against them. Their names were dropped from the case.

"Y/N, come to the kitchen please," Your Mom called out.

'Great,' You thought to yourself walking to the kitchen.

"Your dress was delivered today for Midsummer's. It's in your room," Your Mom grinned.

"Thank you Mother," You forced a fake smile.

"I already told Rafe the color so he can match-,"

"I'm not going with Rafe," Your demeanor shifted.

"You are going with him whether you like it or not Y/N," She glared at you.

You had had enough with the conversation and didn't want the argument to get worse. You went up to your room and sat on your bed shaking your head. Topper was going with Becca and You were going with Rafe. Great.

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