Forget Me Not || 01

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[ - mingyu kim - ]

She seemed so confused that she kept on looking around and she actually seemed anxious too. I mean, I did wish she'd move on from all of the mess that has caused to ruin her but I didn't expect it to be this way. This is literally the definition of moving on completely I swear

"Can I maybe, get some privacy ? I need to process all of these infos" she asked politely to us and of course we left her ward to give her some privacy.

"Gosh, things have really taken turn to something even worst than before" said Wonwoo as he sounded really stressed. I don't blame him though

"I mean, I've wanted her to move on but I wasn't expecting this type of moving on" said Wonwoo. Literally what I thought of earlier

"I feel like everything's my fault that this is happening" he ruffled his hair in frustration

"Hyung, nobody had expected this to happen and NEITHER of these are your fault. Her moving away, her getting caught in an accident, her being upset, none of these are your fault hyung" I reassured him

"It just felt like it Mingyu. I wasn't able to take care of her... If only I could've provided her more care, none of these would've happened" he sighed

"Hyung, she wouldn't like it if you're being this way..." I frowned

"What's the point ? She's not even herself at this point" said Wonwoo

"Hyung, just because she have lost all of her memories, that doesn't mean she's no longer our Sooyoung. We just have to provide her with more care and attention starting from now on" I said to him

"Think about it. She doesn't remember about everything she have went through, we can help her build a sweeter and lovely memories for her. If she wasn't given a second chance to live, I don't think any of this would happen" I added, trying to convince him

"Maybe we can even help her build a new bond with Shua hyung" I said to him

"Are you crazy ?!" Wonwoo lowkey yelled

"What if she suddenly remembered all of the things he did and would become more upset than ever ?!" Wonwoo frowned

"And if auntie and uncle knows about what happened then he's a dead meat !" he added

"But wouldn't it be the same if that Ella and Eunji spread informations about them doing the deeds ???" I asked

"That's bad too but it's pretty much more of their fault than his. Shua hyung was taken advantage of. It's a 50/50 type of stuff if you understand it" said Wonwoo

"Even so, I'm forbidding her from meeting Shua hyung for now" said Wonwoo

"Okay okay I got it" I responded

"But what are we supposed to do first about this ?" I asked

"We should just tell her the good things that have happened in her life first. Let's treat her well here and we shouldn't bring her back to Korea unless she's the one who asks for it. How about that ?" Wonwoo suggested

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