Forget Me Not || 23

915 36 4

[ - sophia kim - ]

I finally regain my consciousness again. My head was spinning and I am once again, tied up onto the chair. Seriously, I don't think there would be any hope of me to go out, but at least I did knock one out...

Though, that blow was really impactful that I ended up recalling everything from the shock. That aside, that bitch had really done it. I really hope they'd find me soon. If I stay here any longer I'm gonna lose my damn mind.

"Ah, you're awake" Ella greeted me

"Yeah and thanks to you for helping me recalling my memories. I appreciate that of you" I responded

"You're most welcome ! It'd be more amusing to end you when you remember everything !" said Ella with a smile

"You're such a bitch do you know that ?" I raised my eyebrow

"I appreciate that compliment of yours" she laughed

"You're seriously weird aren't you" I scoffed

"How rude" she responded

"Not as rude as a kidnapper like YOU" I clapped back

She was pissed off for sure that she clicked her tongue

"Are you trying to provoke me ?? If so, you do know that it's going to lead you to your end ASAP right ?" said Ella with a smile

You wouldn't dare...

"But I'll keep you alive for a while. Seeing you losing hope makes me so happy. So I'll play with you for a bit" she giggled

"I'll see you soon" said Ella as she left the room again

She's just a fucking psycho man what the actual fuck. I mean she was already a walking red flag before, but never expected her to do these stuffs. Like what did I do to her to deserve these kinds of treatments. I mean, she's the one who stole my boyfriends... Honestly I don't know anymore. All that I know, she's gonna go to jail later and I'll make sure of it.

Since she tied my wrist at front, this makes it easier for me to get the knife out. I reached in for the knife that I placed in my hidden pocket and cuts off the ropes easily. I mean she's kind of smart, but then again so damn stupid for what ???

I searched around for my stuffs in one of the boxes here and jackpot. Got my handbag. I immediately text both Joshua and Jihoon about my condition now and they're relieved to hear that I'm alright and they're on their way. I sent my location just in case.

It was then the door opened. She was surprised to see me and honestly her stupidity never failed to surprise me

"Well that sure is something" said Ella

"Oh well, it'll be even more interesting this way" she charged onto me

I reacted rather quickly so I managed to block her off. Defending myself would be no problems, but my head is spinning like crazy. That damn blow was something else and for it to be able to allow me to recall everything itself shows how strong it was.

I just defended my ways in any ways possible but that didn't really last long. She had the upper hand of course but I do not intend to give up so I'm giving it my all. They're on the way and I should try my best to survive this. That's all that I can do for now.

I then heard sirens coming closer and I'm sure she heard it too. She was about to flee, but I'm not letting that happen. As she was distracted, I made my move and of course, it was successful. I hold her off then called Joshua immediately.

≿----- ❈ -----≾

Hello ?!

Are you guys here already ?

Yes and we're trying to break
in now

Please hurry ! I'm holding her
off right now

Will try

Where are you by the way

If you know

In the basement



≿----- ❈ -----≾

"Your dirty game ends here Ella" I said as I pressed her body hardly onto the floor to avoid her flipping me over

After holding her off for a while, the basement door opened, revealing a few cops holding their guns, pointing at us

The feeling of relief rushed in and I finally let go of her. Even if she tried to run away, she can't. We're surrounded by cops so running away is not an option.

It's finally over...

I didn't know what happened honestly, everything went black.

[ - joshua hong - ]

The cops managed to arrest Ella and a guy that was trying to escape earlier as that guy could be a possible suspect too

"Sir, is this your wife ?" one of the officers asked as he was holding her in his arms, unconscious

"Y-yes ! That's m-my wife-- What happened--" I asked as I was pretty much panicking seeing her unconscious

"When we came in, she let go of that girl and she lost her consciousness." said the officer

"We should bring her to the hospital hyung. Who knows what happened during the time we haven't arrive yet" Jihoon suggested

"Agreed... Mr Officer, is it possible of you to send us to the hospital ?" I asked the officers that were with us earlier

"Certainly sir. It is also one of our duties to make sure everyone's safe" said the officer as he brought us to the car we rode earlier

Whatever happened earlier... I'm so glad you were strong enough Sophia. I wonder what could've happened if you do not know anything about self defense or something. It must've been tough for you my dear.... I'm so sorry for not being able to help you sooner...

Forget Me Not • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now