Forget Me Not || 05

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[ - jaehyun kim - ]

When I saw him crying, I was taken aback by it. He was constantly apologizing. Seeing him like this brought me back to reality. I really shouldn't let out all of my anger. I said I wanted to talk peacefully with him didn't I ? I should really calm down.

I let out of a sigh as I went up to him

"Jisoo, I'm sorry for acting up" I apologized as I pats his head softly

"I shouldn't have lashed out on you" I added

He was still crying. Why am I like this ? I'm sure he himself is having a hard time and not just me. My anger just took over me.

I tried my best to comfort him first. It already feels like he was my own son. That's why I couldn't believe it when I heard he was cheating on Sooyoung at first. But it was Wonwoo who told me so I have no other choice but to trust him.

I've never confronted him about it since Wonwoo and Mingyu said Sooyoung doesn't want anyone to interfere with her life. I had to respect that of her. She is my daughter after all.

A while have passed and he had finally stopped crying. Let's try and talk calmly Jaehyun. You can't let your anger take over you.

"Did you really mean it ? That you have nothing to do with the accident ?" I asked him

"I mean it. 100%... I was also surprised when I heard her getting involved in an accident..." Jisoo replied

"Who told you that I was the one who paid someone ???" he asked

"She claimed to be your ex" I replied

[ - joshua hong - ] 

My ex...? Now I understand what's going on now. Oh for god sakes, it's either Jeon Eunji or Ella Kim. They seriously won't let me live peacefully huh ? Time to give her a piece of my mind to this bitch.

"Father, I'll be back for a bit. I have to talk with someone." I said to him and stood up to leave the meeting room

I dialed Eunji's number as I clicked the call button. It rang for a while and she finally replied.

≿----- ❈ -----≾

Hello ?

Jeon Eunji, I want to know
what in the hell did you
tell my father in law


What are you talking
about ?

Don't play dumb ?

Hello ?

I am NOT

I don't even know who's your
father in law

Heck, I'm not someone who'd
pry into their private lives
like Ella would do

I don't even know who your
wife was

As much as I hated her, I'm
still feeling guilty over
being the homewrecker

So you really don't know ?


Again, I don't want to pry
into your life anymore

Forget Me Not • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now