Forget Me Not || 25

973 40 1

[ - sophia kim - ]

I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling. I looked left and right trying to grasp whatever situation I am in now. After trying to process whatever the hell did I just went through, I finally was able to grasp the situation I am in.

I guess it had finally end. Yet, why does it hurt so badly ? Was I injured ? Did something happened ?

I tried to recall what happened but all I remembered was that everything went black out of nowhere.... Maybe I fainted...? But it all ended well right ?? Ella had been caught right ?? I really hope that was the thing that happened.

The door opened up, revealing a nurse. Ah right... I'm in a hospital right now. When she saw me awake on my bed, she called the doctor straight away so we'd be able to do some tests and all. After thet were done, the doctor told me the situation I'm in now and honestly I am just glad that I'm alive.

"Do you recall on how such a accident occurred, Miss Sooyoung ?" the doctor asked

I tried on recalling it but I don't think any of the fights I had down there led me to this condition.... Oh wait. Ella. I told the doctor about what happened and he just nodded and told me about the surgery and all. Well, if it's for the best, I agreed to it. I mean, I don't want to die after all and this does sound all serious for me

The doctor left shortly after while the nurse brought me some food for me to fuel up. I thanked him and he left too. I let out of a sigh as I looked up onto the ceiling

"It's finally over...." I uttered

"It sure is" someone responded to my statement which startled me

I looked up to the doorway to see Jun holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Junnie ?" I tilted my head as I was surprised to see him

"Yup ! I'm on my day off so I decided to drop by" he grinned widely

"Ah-- Come on in" I invited him in

"Thanks for having me Sooyoung" said Junhui as he steps into the ward and sits down on the chair that the hospital provided for visitors

"How are you feeling ?" he asked as he puts the bouquet on the table

"I'm feeling all fatigue and tired. A bit dizzy still" I replied

"I see I see. Must've been hard for you. You did well Sooyoung ah" he pats my shoulder softly

"I see you've recalled your memories. When did that happen ??" he asked

"Earlier after midnight ? Morning ? Some times around that" I replied

"Soonyoung told me what happened and I'm really sorry for what had happened. I'm sorry for not being able to be there for you too" he pats my head softly

"You were never at fault Junnie. Nobody knew all of these would happen too. From the start till now" I replied to him

He just let out of a small laugh as he kissed my cheek

"Welcome home Sooyoung" said Junhui

"I'm home" I responded with a smile

Jun and I started on catching up with everything we've missed out as he feeds me in the process. After all, we haven't seen each other for quite a long time, but it was then on hold when the door to my ward opened. My eyes glistened when I see who it was

"Noona !!!" Chan, one of my close friends greeted with a basket of fruits in his hands

"My Channie !!!" I greeted him back excitedly

But him being here, he must've known about what happened right ? I turned to Jun immediately and he shook his head, implying he didn't know about the whole kidnapping scenes. I was relieved and invited him in. Chan sat down beside Jun

"Noona ! How many times should I tell you ?! You should be careful during driving !" Chan scolded

"This must've been because you've been too busy and forgot to take care of your health for god's sake !" he added as he was frowning

I just let out of a chuckle

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'll be even more careful in the future" I said to him

"You better be !" he pouted

"Thank you for worrying about me Chan ah" I grinned

"That's what friends are for noona. I'm just glad that you're not that much in a bad condition" said Chan

"Well, it wasn't that serious, but I did fracture my skull so I probably have to go in for a surgery later. Who knows" I responded

"Gosh... That sounds so bad..." said Chan as he was worried

"Don't worry. Everything's alright now right ? I'll be even more careful in the future" I said to him

The three of us talked like we used to back in highschool. After time passes by, Chan left since he had something to take care of, leaving Jun and I alone

"Did you tell them that I had an accident instead ?" I asked Jun

"Well, yeah. To the rest too honestly" he replied

"What about Wonwoo 오빠 and Mingyu 오빠 ?" I asked

"They already knew what happened from Soonyoung so it's alright" he replied

There was a brief silence between us until he broke the silence

"Sooyoung ah" he called out to me

"Yes ?" I turned to him

"I'm so sorry for what Shua hyung did to you back then" he suddenly apologized

"E-eh ??? What's with the suddenly apology ???" I asked as I was puzzled on why he suddenly apologized

"It just felt right. I've been feeling guilty about it and I really need to apologize to you. After all, he is one of my relatives and for him to do such things to you is unacceptable. But I really hope you'd be able to forgive him now that you've recalled everything" Junhui explained

Honestly, how can someone like him exist ?

"I've forgiven him Junnie. He had proven that he really was regretful of what he did and he had protected me in a lot of ways ever since I got back here. We're rebuilding a new life too so I don't think any of these matter anymore" I smiled at him

"I know I shouldn't ask but, what about Jihoon ? Do you still have feelings for him ?" Junhui asked

"It would be a lie if I say no. Guess even after an amnesia I'm still attached to him and it can't be helped" I chuckled

"But I have a husband and I can't abandon him too can I ? Especially when we're finally on a good relationship now" I added

"I understand that of you. All I could say now is, I hope more of good things will come to all of you. All of you had been going through a lot of things already so I really hope all of you would be able to take a rest from all of the mess" said Junhui

"Thank you so much Junnie. I appreciate that of you" I responded

"I'd have to get going now. I have a date with my fiancee" said Junhui

"Alright. Say hi to Miyoung eonnie for me" I responded

"Will do. Take care. Eat on time okay ?" Junhui reminded

"You too !" I grinned

He kissed my cheek and left afterwards

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