Forget Me Not || 19

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[ - sophia kim - ]

So this is Ella Kim huh. Personally don't remember anything about her, but I've heard about it from Jihoon. Who would've thought she's right in front of me now. Just by looking at her face now, I'm just sure that she's acting in front of me, thinking I didn't remember anything about her.

A manipulator.

"Talk about what ?" she asked, cluelessly

Again, I don't remember anything about her but I really want to hit her head with something really hard.

"About how you're going to pay up to me for destroying my life my dear !" I smiled at her and her eyes widened

"I-I don't kn-know what you're t-t-talking about" she stuttered

"Th-this is the first time I've m-met y-you" she added, averting her eyes from mine

"Ah... Really..." I uttered

I stood up and she actually looked at me as I managed to steal her attention. Maintaining a smile on my face, I slapped her as hard as I could. Everyone in the room was surprised including her.

"You bitch." she uttered as she grabbed me by my collar

"Look who's talking. You've shown your true colour in an instant !" I laughed

"That's nice to see" I added as I locked my eyes with her. She was furious of course. That slap was hard, I can bet she wasn't expecting that

"Don't act like you're so tough Sophia Kim. And here I thought you've forgotten about everything and was making my work easier... You've recovered all of it now and you wanted to see me to probably plot some revenge ?? Dream on. I'm one step ahead of you" she glared at me.

"I didn't plot anything. I just wanted you to pay me up for having an affair with my husband and the accident that occurred with me. I was quite straightforward didn't I ?" I smiled

"What makes you think I would ?" she pushed me and I fell right on the floor, almost hitting my head onto the couch

"Listen here kid. I'm not paying you up. I'm still not done with you." she sent me one last glare before running off

"Sophia are you alright" Joshua rushed to help me

"I'm fine." I stood up as I fixed my collar and pulled my phone out, stopping the recording and saved it.

"You were recording...?" Eunji asked

"Of course I was. Whom in the right mind would trust her if they've heard what she had done to me for years ago. It's better to be safe than sorry" I said as I smiled

"We can go to the police station to report it ASAP ! I also have another recording of her saying she's the one who's behind your accident back in Canada" said Joshua

"Let's... Wait for a bit." I said as what she had told me earlier were lingering in my mind.

"Eh ? We can throw her into jail in no time ! Why do you want to delay it ?" Eunji asked as she was confused herself

"Personal reasons I guess. But let's not rush things first" I replied

"Well I'm tired so I'm gonna take a rest" I said to them as I headed upstairs to my room to take a nap. To let off some steam of course

[ - joshua hong - ]

Well that was really unexpected of her. I mean, I wasn't really expecting anything like that. Sophia's a really gentle and soft type of person, yet she's really stern and serious which is... Quite scary if you ask me. She was like that one quiet kid in class

"Honestly, how did you even marry such a person... She seemed so scary..." said Eunji

"An arranged marriage. Back then she wasn't like this and honestly, I myself is just so damn glad that she had forgiven me or I'm seriously going to hell in an instant" I responded

"The moment she slapped Ella, I felt chills down my spine. That smile, that gaze, surely she was ready to do something even worst than that... I mean, it may not seem like it, but THAT face ain't it..." said Eunji as I could still see the fear in her eyes

"Oh trust me, I thought the same. I feel like, if she wasn't recording, something else would've occurred" I responded

"True true..." Eunji uttered

"Let's just... Be glad she had forgiven us" she added

"Yeah..." I pursed my lips

"Also, Ella seems to have something else in mind. You should keep an eye on Sophia" Eunji advised

"Yeah I really should. I just hope it wouldn't be anything bad" I sighed

"I'll get going now. I have something else to take care of. I should look after myself too cause she might come after me too. She's revengeful and spiteful towards people and it's quite dangerous. I'm just wondering why isn't she in the mental health facility just yet" said Eunji, followed by a sigh

"Well, that's a question anyone would want to ask for sure" I replied

"Pretty much yeah. I'll see you whenever I could" said Eunji as she left shortly after.

I then texted Jihoon, wanting to meet up with him.

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Well that settled it. I should really ask more about how Sophia was back in highschool or something. I hope I'd at least know if she was like this back then.

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