Forget Me Not || 20

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[ - joshua hong - ]

It's now lunchtime so I decided to head out now. I locked both the back and front door and heat up my car engine for a few minutes. About 2 to 3 minutes, I started on driving to Jihoon's workplace. I texted him that I've already arrived and waited for him. He came down to bring me up to his studio.

I sat down on the couch and he sat down facing me. The foods are already there. He had probably bought it earlier

"So, what do you want to talk about them ?" he asked

"Well, earlier Sophia asked me to invite Ella over" I replied and Jihoon's expression was not having it. He was as surprised as we were

"For what ?" he asked

"She just wanted to confront her and the rest was... Quite concerning too" I replied

"I see. Did Sooyoung get a bit violent ?" Jihoon asked

"Well, she did slapped Ella. It was, quite hard" I replied

Jihoon let out of a sigh of relief

"Say... Was Sophia like this too ?? Like-- Back when I haven't married her" I asked

"Kind of ?? I mean, I wouldn't say Sooyoung's a violent type of person but when she gets angry or impatient, she has no hesitation to get violent" Jihoon replied

"Like Soonyoung, Sooyoung does taekwondo and she's really good in self defense. She's not really the calmest person you could find and back in highschool year, she does have a bit of an anger issue" Jihoon added

"Well that's surprising..." I responded

"She just happened to learn to have some self control growing up, that's why you've never knew about that. She's not violent, she's just quite sensitive and her way of solving things would be violence if people surpassed her limits" said Jihoon

"Now that she's having an amnesia and only remember her childhood life, I don't think her patience level's as high as her adult's patience level" Jihoon added

"That is indeed scary" I uttered

"Seriously Ella should be lucky she had only got slapped" Jihoon sighed

"I could tell" I responded

"Anything else ?" Jihoon asked

"Ella kind of threatened her and I'm quite concerned" I replied and that's when Jihoon's expression turned really serious

"That seriously shouldn't be taken lightly. Ella isn't someone you should mess around with too" said Jihoon as he was worried

"I know I know. But Sophia herself asked Eunji and I to not report her just yet..." I bit my bottom lip

"Again with her stupid suggestion... But then again, she must have a plan or something..." said Jihoon, he sounded concerned

"So should we just listen to her ?" I asked him

"I don't know to be honest. I mean, Ella is dangerous but Sooyoung is really smart too. But if we let that woman run loose, it's gonna endanger a lot of people" Jihoon sighed

"Maybe we should trust her on this. It's one of the worst decisions I've made but if she does have something in mind, we should let her settle it" said Jihoon

One of his worst decisions ???

"Then shouldn't we just turn her in ???" I asked in disbelief

"If we only have recordings of it, she might still get away. After all, she is from a quite well known family..." said Jihoon

"She can bribe anyone she wants and get away with anything. I've seen that happened to be honest..." He added

"No way..." I uttered

"You do know money is everything. People can get away with anything when you have money." said Jihoon bitterly

"That is a painful truth" I responded

"If anything were to happen to her, I'll take the blame. It's a stupid move of mine to trust her like this, but it just felt right" Jihoon chuckled

"If you trust her, then I am going to do the same. You know her the best and I'm trusting you with this" I said to him

Even saying that, both of us are really anxious about it. I just hope nothing bad would happen...

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