Forget Me Not || 12

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[ - sophia kim - ]

After going through a lot of rehabilitation, I can finally walk normally, but I still need something to depend on because my legs are still weak. I don't really go out much after all. I've been staying here for god knows how long and honestly it feels... Boring.

Everybody's busy and I really don't know what else to do at the moment. At this time, I really have the urge to go to Korea. Like, I want to see how it is there. I mean, my friends are there and... I guess I'm ready now...? I don't know it's been really long ever since I've been there right ? I also have my works there and I've been neglecting it... Shouldn't it be better if I go there...?

I was in dilemma. I don't know if I should go there or not...

"Sooyoung, what's wrong ?" my sister in law approached me

"Are you having a headache ?" she asked as she sat down beside me

"Oh-- No no. I'm just... Having a dilemma" I replied

"Of what ?? Odd of you to be stuck in a dilemma" my sister in law responded

"I'm wondering if I should go back to Korea or not... I mean, Jason's going to Korea for a business trip soon and I don't know if I should tag along or not,,,," I said as I sighed

"Ah, that's what you're stressing about" she laughed softly

"Well, you've been here for so long already. Why don't you go back there ? You know, to change the atmosphere a bit. Maybe you'd like it there better than here" she smiled

"Do you think, that's a good idea ?" I asked

"Well, who knows it'll trigger your memories again so go for it ! Besides, you're able to see your friends and husband after such a long time" she replied

I was contemplating about it and still couldn't decide...

Should I really go back ?? I don't feel like leaving, but at the same time I really would want to see how it is there...

"Soph ? Is everything alright dear ?" my brother came downstairs to see me and my sister in law together

"Oh-- I'm wondering if I should go to Korea with you,,," I replied

"I was about to ask that to you" he laughed softly

"You do ?" I asked

"Well of course. It's been so long right ? After all, it's your second home" said Jason as he pats my head softly

"But... Would Wonwoo and Mingyu allow me...?" I asked

"Sophia, I'm your brother. Therefore, I have the rights to bring you anywhere without anyone's permission" he smiled

I looked at my sister in law and she smiled, agreeing to what my brother said

"Well then... I guess I'll go back there" I finally decided

"But... Is it alright if I stay there if I want to ??" I asked

"Of course honey" he kissed my cheek

I felt so happy when he said that. The feeling of excitement rose up in an instant. I really can't wait to go there. I'm gonna meet my friends for the first time and of course, my husband.

He kept on apologising through the phone and so far everything's been going well so I really can't wait to see him. I also couldn't wait to see Jihoon. He contacted me a lot as well. I'll be seeing Soonyoung and Hansol for the first time.

Time passes by and it's finally time to go to Korea. I was so nervous as my husband is going to pick me up. Meeting up with him for the first time after such a long time.... I wonder how it'd turn out.

"You're stiff. What's wrong ?" My brother asked

"I'm nervous,,,," I replied

"Nervous to meet your husband ?" he chuckled

"Shut up ! It's my first time meeting him in person !" I hit him

"After such a long time huh. Hope you two are able to get along just fine" said Jason

"I hope so too,,, What if he doesn't like me ? I mean, I'd make everything so so soooo awkward,,," I frowned

"You won't, don't worry" Jason reassured me

"You'll be going straight home right ??" I asked

"Yup, you ?" he turned to me

"I mean, I came back anyways. Better to visit mother and father first" I replied

"That's true" he laughed

It was the a car stopped in front of us. The window rolled down. I felt like I was shot right at my heart when I saw the guy who was at the driving seat. He's so good looking ? Omg--

"Joshua, there you are !" My brother greeted him

"Sorry for being a bit late. I had to stop by the company I was working at" said Joshua

"Let me help with the luggages" he added as he went out of the car

I was just speechless there. This is my husband ??? What in the hell did I do in my life to get somebody as good looking as this ???

"Sophia ?" he called out which snapped me out of my thoughts

"Y-yes ?" I responded

"Are you alright ?" Joshua asked

"Yes yes I'm okay ! I'm just a bit overwhelmed--"

"She's probably just flustered to see a good looking guy that's all" Jason cut me off as he entered the passenger seat

"HEY !" I yelled at him

Joshua laughed upon hearing that and my heart was beating so fast. I've NEVER been this nervous I swear to god---

"I'm flattered" said Joshua


"Get into the car already princess. You're delaying everyone's work" said Jason in a teasing manner

"You can admire him anytime you want so hop in already" he added

I rolled my eyes as I got into the back seat

"So you're only acting nice in front of your wife. You only asked me to tag along because you wanted to bully me is it ?" I frowned

"Correct !" Jason exclaimed

"You're a jerk" I rolled my eyes

"You're more of a jerk than me so shut up" said Jason

"Oh fuck off" I responded

Forget Me Not • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now