Forget Me Not || 26

967 38 11

[ - sophia kim - ]

After that day, everything went on smoothly. I got compensations, those psychos are in jail for the rest of their lives and I'm able to live without any worries now. Joshua and I were able to rebuild what had been broken before and we've been trying our luck from time to time but things just doesn't seem to work out well on that but it's alright. After all, mom said that we're still young and shouldn't rush things out

About me and Jihoon, we're still treating each other like we always would. Again, I still cannot get rid of these feelings that I have for him but I'll make sure to not do anything reckless for sure. I mean, that'd make me a hypocrite.

Currently, I'm not allowed to work yet since I'm still in the process of healing, but since nothing wrong's going on, I was discharged from the hospital. Though, I'd have to take one more month off of work to make sure that nothing would get in my way.

At the moment, I'm waiting for Jihoon. Well, for an evening date. I just wanted to hang out with him after some times. After all, this would be the first time we'd have a date ever since I've recalled my memories. Nothing fancy, just a coffee date at the café nearby the agency.

The place itself is calming for me. The aroma of coffee and the sweet smell of pastries and cakes. It's healing in a lot of ways

"Sorry for being late. I had to take care of something earlier" said Jihoon as he sat down facing me

"There's no need to be sorry y'know. You're just doing your work" I chuckled

"I just felt bad y'know" said Jihoon

"Classic Lee Jihoon" I responded as I sipped onto my coffee

He requested for a menu and the waiter took his order shortly after. While waiting for his orders to arrive, we had a daily life conversation with each other like we always would. Basically catching up with each other and a bit more about work. I may not work in the agency at the moment but I do work from home. After all, I am working as a producer and a soloist there. It shouldn't be a problem to work from home

"Hey" he called out and I hummed in response as I looked up to him

"How are you feeling now that you've recalled everything ?" he asked

"Feeling what ?" I tilted my head

"About me" he went straight to the point

"Why do you ask ?" I asked

"I just wanted to know. I mean, I was kind of harsh during the first time we met in Canada back then so I thought maybe you'd really have changed your mind about me" Jihoon replied and I just smiled

"Of course that would never change a thing Jihoon ah. You weren't being harsh, you were just stating the truth. You knew me better than anyone else, including my own self. That's why you said that. You knew I was longing for Joshua and not you and you saying that we were strangers, I didn't take that to heart at all" I said to him

"That still didn't answer my question" said Jihoon, demanding for answers

"I mean, it'd be a lie if I say I'm not attach to you like before Jihoonie. I've always been in love with you and I don't think I'd be able to move out from that small box either. I love Joshua dearly, but there's always a space for you in my heart" I said as I stir my cup of coffee

"What about you ? Do you feel the same ?" I asked

"We're on the same boat, but the difference would be that... I don't have anyone else to love other than you" Jihoon replied

"It's lame I know but... It just can't be helped. It was seriously a shame when I was late to ask you out. If only I was a bit faster, we would've ended up together and live a happy" he added as he chuckled to himself

"But I guess... Things just doesn't come out as I planned. Though, I'm genuinely happy to see you two together. So I really hope that, nothing bad will ever happen to you two, ever." Jihoon grinned

What did I do to deserve such a guy in life Jihoon ah ? Why wouldn't you just move on ? I seriously feel like I'm not worthy of you my love....

"Why don't you... Just move on...?" I asked out of curiosity

"Well... That's a tough question..." said Jihoon as he tried to think of an answer to that question

"Maybe because, nobody understands me as well as you and nobody can replace you. I don't mind being single since I do have my musics to fill in the free times that I have" he laughed

"But even so, shouldn't you find someone else by now ?? You can't stay single forever love" I said to him as I was a bit concerned

"For now... I don't think I'd want to. I'm happy with what I have now and if I have a girlfriend, she'd be dead jealous if she sees me going out with you more than my guy friends. I hate complicated things" he shrugged

"Typical Lee Jihoon indeed" I chuckled

"What can I do ? I'm a sucker for you" said Jihoon followed by a laugh

"I mean, you can't deny that can you ? Maybe in another universe, we can be together like how we'd want to" I grinned

"Maybe, just maybe" he agreed

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