Forget Me Not || 24

930 33 11

[ - jihoon lee - ]

We went to the hospital ASAP after that and Sooyoung was sent for a check up immediately as well. Both Shua hyung and I waited outside anxiously, hoping nothing bad happened to her

"Do you think it'll be fine ?" Joshua asked

"I hope so... I really don't want anything bad to happen to her..." I replied, fiddling my fingers

"It's a part of my fault for allowing her to stay that late and didn't provide that much of a secured place to work in..." I bit my bottom lip

"Jihoon, it's not your fault. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be able to know about it too so don't worry about it okay ?? You've always provide her with the best things so don't blame yourself" he pats my head

"But still---"

He placed his index finger onto my lips, causing me to close my mouth

"I don't want to hear anything about it. You did your best for almost everything and have always looked after her. This happened because of that psycho ex of mine, not yours" said Joshua

"So don't say anything else about this" he added


"You what ?" he cuts me off

"I understand...." I uttered

"Good. Now let's just pray for the best for her. I'm sure she needs that more than anything now" said Joshua and I just nodded

We waited for a few hours there and the doctor finally called us in.

"Is everything alright with her ??" I asked

"I'm afraid not. Her skull is fractured so she'll be hospitalised until she fully heals since we would need to keep an eye on her. She'll also be going through a surgery if it's not getting better" said the doctor and both of us are dead worried about it

"Overall, there's nothing else that's endangering her life so that's all. I'll be taking my leave now" said the doctor and left

"Gosh... I wonder what the hell happened there..." Joshua uttered as he sounded really worried

"For real. Like-- What the hell did that Ella and Hyunjung did to her ?" I responded

"Let us go home and rest first. Both of us really need it" Joshua suggested

"Yeah, I don't think she's waking up anytime soon too. I also need to contact the admins to release a statement for this. She'll be in hiatus until she's fully recovered" I responded

"Alright. I'll see you later ?" Joshua asked

"Not sure, but I'll contact you if I'm coming. I might be busy..." I sighed

"Come whenever you're free Jihoon ah. We'll be waiting" he smiles at me

Seeing him like this calmed me down a bit. If Shua hyung says everything would be alright, I'm sure it would be alright. I should lay low on worrying about this. It might take a toll on my works.

I should trust her and the doctors would do anything to make sure she recovers.

"Wait but-- what about your works hyung ?" I asked him

"I'll ask Jeonghan and Byeol to handle it for a while. I have a lot of other things to settle with Eunji regarding this Ella case, but I'll be looking after her too until everything's settled for real" Joshua replied

"Alright. Don't forget to rest too. Don't stress yourself too much" I advised

"Thank you Jihoon. I needed that" he hugged me

I hugged him back and honestly I know how worried he is. He's just convincing himself and I so that none of this would affect any of our works but to be honest... I don't think that'd work. We'd constantly be worried about her because of how much things have happened...

I mean... We've almost lost her a lot of times and it's taken a toll on us a lot of time. Let's just hope that this would be the last of it... I don't think I can take it well if anything else were to happen again.... She doesn't deserve any of it....

We parted ways shortly after

When I arrived at home, I could see those two waiting for me in the living room

"Jihoonie you're back !" Soonyoung hugged me immediately

I was quite puzzled, I didn't tell them anything though...

"Geez why didn't you tell us what in the hell was happening ?! Stop being so stubborn and tell us if anything wrong was happening !" Hansol scolded

"E-eh ?" I responded as I was confused

"Don't "Eh" us. Shua hyung told us what happened. How dare you kept that from us ! She's our friend too !" Soonyoung scolded

I was quiet. I didn't know how to respond. They asked me what happened again and I just told them what happened and... Honestly I was holding back my tears since I don't want to worry them any longer and everything had been settled

"And you're here holding everything in. You do know that it's okay to cry right ? Stop acting so tough" said Soonyoung and right after that I ended up shedding some tears.

"Something's on your mind and disturbing you hyung. Let it out" said Hansol

I ranted to them and they listened from A to Z. They then consoled me after hearing all of it while I'm pretty much a crying mess. I'm really tired and stressed. And now she's in a bad condition and I'm sure it have something to do with me.... God, I can't handle any of this anymore...

"Take a rest for a while Jihoon ah. Relax your mind. I'll take care of everything in the agency with Hansol so don't you worry. I'll ask Chan to help as well so please rest. You're not in the best condition now" said Soonyoung, patting my back softly and I just nodded

I really want to rest my mind from all of these...

"Trust us with works okay ??? You should rest and look after her if you want to. We'd gladly take your place in taking care of our artists and the agency" said Hansol and I just nodded

"Thank you..." I uttered

"You're welcome Jihoon"
"You're welcome hyung"

Both of them responded

"Now now, go get some rest. We'll take care of the announcements and all. Take care" said Soonyoung

I got off of the couch and head straight to my room to get some sleep.

Forget Me Not • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now