Forget Me Not || 22

876 35 8

[ - joshua hong - ]

It's already 3 AM and she isn't home yet... I thought she said she wouldn't be at the agency for too long... I'm having a bad feeling about this ugh...

It was then I suddenly received a call from Jihoon. I pick it up immediately, hoping to hear that Sophia is with him.

≿----- ❈ -----

Hello ??

Hyung !

This is bad !

[ When I heard that, I began
to feel anxious ]

W-what's wrong ?

I came back to my agency
since I left something in
my studio

I saw Sophia's car and I
thought she was still in her
studio so I went to her
studio, wanting to greet

But there was no trace of

I checked the tracking
device to see where she is
and she's definitely somewhere

What in the...

Let's go to the police
station now

We have to make a report
of it ASAP

You go on first

I want to check the CCTV

Will do


≿----- ❈ -----≾

Right after the call ended, I immediately went out of the house and straight to my car to start the engine. I calmed myself down a bit so I'd be able to focus on the road to avoid any accidents or things would be even slower than it is.

I inhaled and exhaled deeply one last time and immediately started on driving to the nearest police station. I told the police about my situation and immediately cooperated with me. I told them about Jihoon checking the CCTV footage first so we went there to make sure that this is really a kidnapping case.

We went there as fast as possible and checked it out with Jihoon. She really was kidnapped and the officers that were with us immediately called the HQ to update about my report. Jihoon and I, including the officers started to follow the GPS after we've gotten the coordinate of the place that Sophia is in.

There are a few other cars following us too

Sophia whatever it is, I really hope you'd be able to stay alive...

[ - sophia kim - ]

As he was still keep on going with what he's doing now, somehow it triggered my trauma. Out of all times and things, I'd have to recall the worst memories I've ever had in life ? The fuck ?

I was pretty much frozen. I was scared and suffocating. Things were pretty much uncomfortable and seriously traumatic for me. I really hope those two have already noticed that I'm in danger...

"Enjoying much ? You know, if you want to go further, I'd gladly satisfy you" he whispered and I felt chills down sent down my spine

"Your husband couldn't do it so I can do it for you now" he added and that made something in me snapped. Who would've thought, this guy helped me on recalling another part of my memory... That's convenient.

"I can untie you and we can do all sorts of things, how about that ?" he lifted my chin

I smiled

"Well... I wouldn't mind" I replied to him

"I mean... I should reward you for helping me remember some parts of my lost memories right ?" I added, hoping this would actually convince him and honestly he was so damn stupid.

He actually untied me and I played along for a bit. It's disgusting but if I fight back immediately, things wouldn't turn out well for me. He leaned in to kiss me again and I headbutt him as hard as I could. He groaned in pain, holding his head.

"You bitch-- Argh !" he gripped onto the spot that I headbutted him

"Get me out of here you scumbag." I get in my defensive stance

"Or what ?? You're not a danger to me." he stood up, pulling out a knife from his pocket.

That Ella bitch had already taken away my shoes, so I seriously don't have anything else than my own taekwondo skills to defend myself with. I just have to be careful.

We basically brawled in that small ass room and obviously I wasn't able to overpower him. That drug they used were quite strong and I'm still having a headache

"I'm giving you one last chance Sophia. Either you listen to me or you're not going to see the light of day anymore." he threatened as he pressed the blunt side of the knife onto my throat

"And if I listen to you, what benefits would I get ?" I asked, wanting to distract him

"Obviously you'd be able to continue on living and I can tell Ella to back off from you. It's that simple" said Hyunjung

"Promise ?" I asked for confirmation, again wanting to distract him

"I promise" he confirmed it

"Fine. I give up." I said to him with a convincing tone of voice.

"Good girl" he smirked as he let go of me

"Sike" I immediately kneed his crotch

He was groaning in pain. Oh how wonderful to see him in this state. I snatched the knife that was in his hand and pointed it at one of his eyes

"Honestly, you should've KNOWN not to mess with me Hyunjung ah... It's time for you to go to sleep" I knocked him out

I then hid the knife in my hidden pocket as I looked around hoping to find a way out. It was then I saw a small window on the floor. Guess I was right about me me being in a basement. Let's hurry before--- Somebody pulled my hair from the back hardly.

"And where do you think you're going ?" by the voice, I knew it was Ella

"Who would've thought you'd trick him and you'd almost escape. Glad that I was fast to arrive here" said Ella

"L-let me go--- ugh !" she pulled my hair even stronger. I felt like my scalp is coming off for god sakes

"I won't. Since you've put him to sleep, I shall do the same with you" said Ella

"What do you---" she hit my head hardly onto the concrete wall in front on me

The impact was too strong that I immediately blacked out.

Forget Me Not • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now