Forget Me Not || 07

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[ - sophia kim - ]

A few months have passed and I'm still under rehabilitation. After that accident, a lot of my nerve systems shut down and I have to work hard to try and get back on my track. It was hard but I managed.

Though, there wasn't any sign of me recalling anything. Wonwoo oppa and Mingyu oppa didn't tell me much about my adulthood. They just told me about our childhood days and of course I was happy to know about it. My parents came to visit and I was really thankful of it but...

My husband wasn't there.

Wonwoo and Mingyu didn't tell me why. They just wouldn't, and honestly I am kind of hurt though. Like, he's a husband of mine. Does he hates me ? Does he not care about me at all ? Then why are we even married ? Not to mention, NEITHER of my parents said a word about my husband.

I don't even know his name for god sakes.

I understand they're trying to protect me and all but... This just makes me upset cause what's the whole point of having a husband but doesn't even know anything about him. If they told me about the reasons, then I'd understand about it at least but they wouldn't even tell me what he did wrong to me.

It's just sad when you can't even see your own husband.

Maybe I should ask ? But they'd give me the same answer over and over

"We have to wait until the time's right" they said. WHEN exactly ? They didn't even give me any information about him even through the phone. I barely knows stuff about myself and I'm struggling a lot with it.

Shouldn't it be about time for them to tell me about my life ??? I mean, I should be accepting of it right ??? It's not like I'll remember anything anyways...

What's the point of being alive if you don't even know anything about your life. This is just sad in a lot of ways.

That aside, lately I've been dreaming about this one guy. I don't know his name, but he have a really fair complexion. Snow white skin, brown eyes, on the same height as mine. I wonder if it was just a dream or pieces of my memory. If it is, I wonder if he's teh husband of mine that Wonwoo and Mingyu refused to tell me about.

I wanted to brush it off, but he kept on appearing in my dream. We even kissed but the atmosphere at the time was... Heavy and sad... Maybe I'm just overthinking stuffs.

I don't really have anything to do so I'd probably should just read some stuffs I guess

As I was just reading a book, the door to my ward opened. There were Wonwoo and Mingyu happily greeting me. I was so confused since they didn't say a word about coming to Canada.

"Why are you two here ??? Are you two on vacation ???" I asked

"We're on a business trip, so we've decided to drop by since we're free !" said Mingyu happily

"Oh, I see" I responded

"That sounded dry ! Are you unhappy to see us ?" Mingyu pouted

"No no no, I'm happy to see the two of you. I'm just surprised" I replied

"I was jokinggg" Mingyu laughed and I frowned

For god sakes this guy. I was worried for god sakes

"That aside, we have someone to introduce you to !" said Mingyu happily

"Oh, who ?" I asked

"An acquaintance of yours" Wonwoo replied

"Oh" I replied shortly

I mean I should be excited, but I wasn't really feeling like reacting too much. After all, I'm a bit tired

"Jihoon you can come in now" Wonwoo called for that acquaintance of mine to come in

When I saw them, I was dumbfounded.

It's him.

The guy in my dream

"Sooyoung, this is Jihoon. He's one of your best friends and he's really really close to you" Wonwoo introduced him to me

I was just so dumbfounded that I couldn't even respond. Like-- He's real ??? I thought it was just a silly ass dreams I---

"Sooyoung ?" the guy named Jihoon called me which snapped me out of my thoughts

"Sorry, I was just surprised" I replied

"What what ? Did you trigger your memory somehow ?" Mingyu asked

"I don't think so but I've seen him quite a lot of times,,," I replied

Wonwoo and Mingyu looked delighted by that news, so does Jihoon. While I'm here still dumbfounded and was confused on what in the hell is our relationship between each other. I mean, they didn't mention about him being my husband so why did I get such dreams and most importantly, why him ???

Is he really important to me or something ?

"When did you see him though ?" Mingyu asked

"I just... Kept on dreaming him" I replied as I was staring at him, confused

I decided to brush things off first and asked about my cousins on how they're doing and all. I did have a small conversation with Jihoon but I didn't really talk much with him. I was... Not really comfortable since we've just met.

Shortly after that, Wonwoo and Mingyu left the ward, leaving me and Jihoon behind. Maybe I should ask him some questions about my life. He's one of my best friends so I'm sure he knows quite a lot about me and would maybe tell me at least something about my husband.

"So, you're my boss and my best friend right ?" I asked

"That's the catch" he responded

"I don't want to sound like a weirdo or creep but... I dreamt of us kissing in a studio so I was wondering if it really did happen" I said to him and he was surprised by that

"You dreamt of that ?" he asked in disbelief. I just nodded in response

"Did that really happen ???" I asked

He was hesitant to say something about it, but he nodded, implying it really did happen.

Why though ? He's not my husband right ? Was I cheating on my husband ?

"Jihoon, was I a bad wife ? Was I cheating on my husband ?" I asked as I was worried. Maybe my husband left me because of my attitudes or something ?

Jihoon looked like he was contemplating if he should tell me anything, just like how Wonwoo and Mingyu were. They were hesitant to even say something about my husband. Was it because I'm at fault ? Was it because I was a terrible wife ? Was it all because of me that they didn't even want to say anything about him ??

Gosh please don't leave me on a cliffhanger... I want to know...

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