Forget Me Not || 16

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[ - sophia kim - ]

When he apologized, I knew what it was for. I mean, Jihoon had told me about it anyways so... Yeah... But I don't think anyone knows that I've already known it and I noticed how nervous Jihoon looked when Joshua apologized to me. I guess... I should act clueless.

"For....?" I tilted my head

Joshua pursed his lips. He doesn't seem like he'd want to talk about it and I'm sure there's a reason behind it. But why is he hesitating ?

"Do you think, when I tell you about it you'd leave me ?" he asked. Looking at him, I could tell he really is feeling sorry for what he had done

"I guess it depends ?" I replied

"I really don't want to ruin the mood for all of you though..." said Joshua as he looked down

"Isn't it better for you to let it all out ?? I don't like seeing you this way..." I said to him, hoping he'd confess his wrongdoings to me

He let out of a sigh and looked at me

"I cheated on you back when we were together because I misunderstood something and didn't even bother to ask you or them. I was being really cold towards you and ignored you a lot of times till the point you weren't yourself anymore. I promised you to not leave you but that was what I did to you in the end... I'm so sorry Sophia..." he explained and apologized.

Seeing how he is now, I'm sure he really had regretted all of it

"I really want to start over with you again, but if you refuse to and want to break everything off with me, I'm okay with it. I'll respect whatever your decisions are" Joshua added

I wasn't sure if I should forgive him or not, but I am genuinely falling for him so I shouldn't reject him right...? But after what he did to me, can I really trust him ? How am I going to know if he's not going to cheat off of me after this...

"Shua hyung is a great guy Sooyoung. He may have made a mistake, but he is genuinely sorry and regretted his decisions. I know you're probably being doubtful of it, but I am sure he wouldn't cheat off of you again" said Jihoon, wanting to convince me

"But of course, it's up to you" Jihoon added

I looked at the other two and they seemed to agree with what Jihoon said. I mean, they're close friends right ? Then I'm pretty sure they're not lying to me and they wouldn't lie to me either right ??? I don't really have anything against him since I can't really remember anything but then again, a part of me is quite spiteful about it...

I want to give him a second chance, but then again, what about Jihoon...? What should I do.... I'm in a dilemma....

"Maybe we shouldn't rush things...? I mean, we've just met for the first time...." I said to Joshua

"I'm not saying that I've forgiven you but it'd take time for me to trust you... You understand it right ???" I added

"Then... Can we start off as a friend ?" he asked

"I don't care if you're going to end our marriage here, but I at least wouldn't want to cut off any of our ties" he added

I turned to the three of them and they just nodded, implying I should at least try to get to know him again. I was still doubting a lot of things but Soonyoung, Jihoon and Hansol tried on convincing me and I finally made up my mind

"I guess... Yes...?" I replied

He then let out a sigh of relief as he smiled

"Thank you so much Sophia. May god repay you with something great" he said to me as I could tell he wanted to cry. His eyes were portraying sadness

I guess he is genuinely sorry for what he had done to me and I really couldn't say no right ? He deserves a second chance and that's the only thing that he's asking for now.

"Okay okay, let's get rid of this dull moment. Why don't we grab something to eat ? It's already afternoon and it's the perfect time to grab some lunch ! After all, we can get to know about each other more" Soonyoung suggested

"Ooh, then we can show Sophia around the new building" said Hansol

"Oh yes yes !!!! Her new studio too !!!!" said Soonyoung excitedly

"That sounds like a plan" said Jihoon

"Well, let's go then. Everything's on me" Joshua offered and those three was cheering and celebrating

I don't know why but, I suddenly forgot about our conversation earlier seeing them like this. I felt... Sad.

Sad because I couldn't recall anything. If it was my past self, I'd be overjoyed right ? Everything worked out just fine... I was just... Stunned...

"Now now, what are you waiting for ? Let's go" Joshua offered his hand to me

Seeing him smile made my heart fluttered as I was filled with joy almost instantly. I grabbed onto his hand softly as he guided me outside. To his car.

I honestly don't care anymore about recalling my memories. Let's just live our life to its fullest Sophia. It's a new life, a new start.

Forget Me Not • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now