Forget Me Not || 11

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[ - eunji jeon - ]

Seems like I'd be free by today. Maybe I should ask Ella to meet. After all, I told Joshua I'd help him. I feel bad for him. It's been months ever since he had seen his wife too. That Ella deserved to be thrown in jail for sure.

I somehow convinced her that I genuinely wanted to befriend her again. It's hard to act like I care about her but I managed. She's just weird in a lot of ways and NOBODY can tell me otherwise. Maybe I should even throw her into the mental hospital.

I waited at the café I've asked her to meet at and of course acted like I genuinely missed her when I don't. She was quite talkative. She whined a lot. She complained a lot. Honestly, what's wrong with you ? I've set up my phone to record our conversation, just in case I'd get something useful.

"So, have you heard anything from Joshua ?" she asked

"No, he haven't contacted me at all and I didn't contact him as well" I replied. I lied of course

"Well he contacted me a while back" she giggled

"Oh ? What did he say ?" I asked as I took a sip out of my drink

"He was devastated that his wife ended up in an accident and even had an amnesia !" she laughed without feeling any remorse

Girl, what ?

"Oh ?" I responded

"It was even funnier cause I was the one who paid someone to make sure that happened !" she added

Yes she's a psycho indeed. Seriously I gotta send this girl to jail

"You did that ?" I raised my eyebrow

"Well duh" she responded

What ?

"Why exactly though ? I mean, she had left for good so why ?" I asked, controlling my emotions

"She might come back anyways so why not just end her life so I don't need to see her anymore. She disgusts me" Ella replied

Honestly she did nothing wrong to you what in the hell ?

"Ah. I see." I replied shortly

She talked a lot more on how satisfied she was when she convinced Joshua to cheat on her and all. She was basically confessing all of her crimes to me and I just don't know what to say anymore. I was speechless

I'm kind of sad that she trusted me to say such stuffs openly. She genuinely sees me as a friend, but I can't accept the fact that she used me to make sure Sophia would suffer. She's gonna get jailed sooner or later and I feel nothing anymore.

I'll make sure to pay you a visit Ella, so I hope you'd have fun in there.

[ - joshua hong - ]

As I was resting from my work, I suddenly received a recording from Eunji. She even sent a few messages right after that

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Here's the evidence that you

Forget Me Not • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now