Forget Me Not || 21

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[ - sophia kim - ]

Well... Ever since that day, I began to become even more cautious with my surroundings. She doesn't seem to be someone to take lightly of. I could tell she was serious when she said she wasn't done with me yet. I don't know what she'd pull off but I should take safety measures first.

I bought this tracking device that looks exactly like a pendant so I don't think anyone would suspect it to be one. Besides, I've always wear a necklace outside so I doubt anyone would suspect a thing.

I should tell Jihoon about this. Since he's by far the closest right now and I'm technically at work so, yeah. It's safer to tell him first.

I went to his studio and knocked onto the glass door. I caught his attention and he invited me in. I entered his studio and went up to him

"Why did you come by here ?? Did you maybe finish a demo ?" he asked and I shook my head

"Then what ?" he asked

"Well, I just bought this tracking device and I want to see if it works on your phone. Is it alright ?" I asked

"Oh ??? Sure ???" he was a bit confused but he handed me his phone nevertheless

I tried connecting it to his phone and it worked just fine.

"It worked !" I said excitedly

"Can you maybe explain to me what is going on ?? Why did you suddenly buy a tracking device for yourself ??" he asked

"I felt a bit unsafe that's all. At least, if I went missing out of nowhere or something unwanted happened to me, you'd be able to find me easily !" I grinned

"If you say so" he chuckled

"At least teach me how to use it so I wouldn't panic if it ever happened" he added

I then taught him how to use it and he understood it easily. After that, I left to continue on my work later on. Time passed by and I went home shortly after my works were done. I waited for Joshua to come home so I'd be able to tell him about the tracking device and that's what I did when he came home. I taught him on how to use it and that was that.

So far, nothing had happened to me but I just kept on wearing it. After all, we don't know what will happen. Danger can happen anytime and anywhere so I don't think taking it off would be a good choice.

I'm still in the building since I have a lot of drafts to look into and some stuffs to settle. It is getting late already and I've already notified Joshua about coming home late so he was alright and wasn't worried much

I looked at the time and it was almost midnight. I don't think there's anyone other than our security guard so I should be going home now. I have a day off tomorrow so it doesn't really matter on how late it is for me.

I turned off my computer and tidy up my room. I switched off the lights and a/c in my studio and make my way to the parking lot.

I was approaching my car when suddenly someone placed a cloth onto my mouth and nose. I was struggling to fight back but it's no use since their grip is quite strong and it's hard to break off. I ended up inhaling onto the cloth so I blacked out shortly after that.





I suddenly regain my consciousness and looked around. Where the fuck am I ???

Panicked, I immediately looked at my neck, hoping my necklace is still there. When I saw it, I was so damn relieved cause even the tracking device is still there.

I'm pretty much tied onto a chair and the rope is quite tight. I have to find a way to loose it up though... Both for my ankles and wrist.

As I was still thinking for a way out, the door suddenly opened which startled me. Of course, we know who it would be. If it isn't the one and only Ella Kim that had threatened me months ago. I was lucky enough to have this damn tracking device or Jihoon and Joshua wouldn't have any idea where I'd be when they'd realize I'm missing.

We tackled that down, now we have to find a way to escape soon

"Ah, you're finally awake" said Ella as she approached me with a guy that I don't know

"Of course it's your doing right ?? Why are you so obsessed with me ??" I raised my eyebrow

"You've always been in my way and it ticks me off. Even now, you came back here and decided to stay here ?? If you had only stayed in Canada, none of this would happen y'know ?" she lifted my chin

"And he is ?" I asked

"I forgot you have an amnesia" she laughed

"One of your exes. He just, wanted to pay you a "visit"" she smirked

Hearing that made my heart race. My gut feelings were acting up. What the fuck did she mean by "visit"

"I'll leave it to you Hyunjung" Ella pats his shoulder as she left, closing the door

"Who would've thought we'd meet again ? And the most amazing thing is, you don't even remember a single thing" the guy called Hyunjung caresses my cheek

"Hands off of me" I glared at him

"You seriously haven't changed huh ??? What makes you think you have the upper hand here ??? Don't be too confident Kim Sooyoung" he laughed at me

"Since you're practically mine now, I wonder what I can do with you" his face got closer to mine

It'd be a lie if I wasn't scared, but what can I do in this situation ? I'm seriously trapped.

"Still as pretty as usual" he smirked before kissing me

I struggled but he held onto my chin roughly which restricted my movement. Oh dear god... What should I do in this situation....

Forget Me Not • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now