Forget Me Not || 27

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[ - sophia kim - ]

A year had passed and honestly, there wasn't anything interesting happening in our lives. Everything's back to normal and all of us are in a great condition and of course, I'm happy with it. After going through so many obstacles and dangerous path, I can finally rest assure as everything had ended.

Though... I'm quite sad that despite how many times Joshua and I tried, nothing came out. He wasn't upset with it, but I was. It makes me overthink a lot and it gets quite stressful for me. I've lost two of our children and it seems like I'm just... Quite useless if you ask me.

We did a check up and neither of us were infertile. Maybe the time's not right just yet. I have to be patient and have to stop stressing out about this cause it's messing up with my menstruation cycle. Like it went "surprise" for me when I was about to buy a pregnancy test 5 months ago. That's just mean

That aside, my relationship with my mother had improved too which is amazing. We were able to bond around normally and we were able to communicate way easier than before. I still remember her face when she heard about the kidnapping. Ever since that day, she became softer yet stern towards me. It's just her way of showing affection so I'm not complaining

"Sophia dear, good morning" Joshua greeted me

"Oh, good morning my honey" I greeted him back

"Vanilla muffins and coffee for today ?" he asked as he sat down facing me

"Yup. I made the batter last night so all I had to do was to bake em" I said followed by a smile

He ate the muffins and both of us were just talking like we would always do. It was then he asked me a question

"Yours are quite late don't you think ?? It's 2 weeks late ??" asked shua

I tilted my head, confused

"Late ?? What ?? My comeback ??" I asked and Joshua facepalmed himself

"Your time of the month dear" said Joshua

"Oh" I uttered

"Wait, two weeks late ????? What the fuck I didn't notice that" I responded

"You're too busy chasing your deadlines right ??? Maybe that's why you didn't notice it. Don't you want to buy a test ?" he asked

"It might be my hormones acting up though...." I replied as I don't really want to be disappointed like before

"It's not wrong to check it out. Maybe we'd be blessed this time ?" said Joshua, convincing me to try it out

"Well, if you say so. I'll go by the pharmacy later" I just agreed to him

"Well I have to go for work now. I'll see you later" said Joshua as he kissed my temple before leaving

"See you later" I waved at him

I checked my period tracking app and he was right, I'm 2 weeks late... I don't think it's worth checking cause I might be disappointed, but eh. What's the harm in it right ??? I'll go there with Miyoung eonnie later since pretty sure she's free unless she's out with Junnie.

I texted her asking if she's free and she said she'll accompany me. I told her that I'll pick her up at 10 and she's fine with it.

I don't know what to expect honestly. I'm tired of putting in high hopes. I'm pretty sure the pharmacist is tired of seeing me over and over.

Time passes by rather quickly. I picked up Miyoung eonnie from her house and head to the pharmacy. She was praying for me and I was just out of hope to be honest. I mean... I'm tired of expecting too much.

I went to the counter and the pharmacist greeted me happily

"Are you here for another test miss Kim ??" she asked with a smile

"Yeah, just to make sure if it's because of hormone or I'm really pregnant" I laughed

"Two as usual ?" she asked and I nodded

She went to grab to small boxes and placed it onto the counter.

"That'd be 7,000₩ !" said the pharmacist and I was puzzled

"I bought two..." I said as I was confused

"This one's on the house. I hope you'd get a great result out of it, Miss" she smiled sweetly towards me and honestly I'm really happy

"I appreciate that of you my dear. Thank you" I smiled as I paid it

I left shortly after and went home along with Miyoung eonnie. I was quite nervous, but she consoled me. I went to the bathroom and did the test. I wasn't hoping much but I really hope this time we'd be able to have a child....

After waiting for a while, I cannot believe my eyes. There were two lined on it... Just to be safe, let's try another one.

I re-do the test and it turned to be positive too. I stared at both of it, trying to process the situation I'm in... Am I finally going to be a mom ?? Are Joshua and I going to start a family of our own after going through so many things ??? Oh my gosh...

I went out of the bathroom, still trying to process whatever the hell I've just witnessed after for so long...

"What's the result ?" Miyoung asked

"I-- I'm--" I was tongue tied

"Seems like it's unsuccessful for you again huh ?? Please don't take that to heart my dear, you've did your best" said Miyoung, trying to console me

"No no no-- I'm-- I'm finally going to be a mother-- I---" I uttered and her eyes glistened as her face lights up

"Congratulations !!!!!" Miyoung celebrated as she hugged me

"I'm sure you'd have no problems with this one now !!!" she added as she was very happy with the news

"I want to cry,,,," I said as my tears escaped from my eyes

"Cry it all out my dear, you've tried so hard and you've gotten what you want finally !!! I'm sure Joshua and the others would he so happy to welcome this child of yours later !" she pats my head softly

"Thank you for being here for me today..." I said as I hugged her back tightly

"You're most welcome" she responded

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