Forget Me Not || 30

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[ - joshua hong - ]

The doctor then announced that she was pronounced dead. When I heard that, I really didn't know how to react. I didn't even get to spend my time with her thoroughly... Yet all of these are happening to me... I notified everyone about it and went straight home since I'm not able to bring Julia back yet.

I should prepare for her funeral.

The moment I entered the house, my heart aches. I wasn't really able to become a great husband for her... I went into her room and began to tidy up her clothes and all of other stuffs, but then I saw a letter. I checked it out and read it.

≿----- ❈ -----≾

To Joshua,

If you're reading this letter now, I'm pretty sure the worst had happened. It's a shame but, things just had to be this way.

I know I shouldn't have worried about me leaving the world, but it was the gut feelings that became the reason why I wrote this.

I might not be able to see our child grow, but I know you would be able to. Please take care of her well. You should probably marry someone else too, I mean, I don't want Julia to think on why she doesn't has a mother but of course it's up to you my honey

All of my belongings, please keep it safe. Maybe in the future, she'd be able to wear it.

Use all of my savings and money on her and of course, for emergencies. Please don't move my stuffs away. Leave it as it be, take care of it well. Maybe when she's older and she's into music, you should give my instruments to her. I'd be more than happy to see her from above

Tell Jihoon, Soonyoung and Hansol that I've always appreciated them and is thankful to have them as best friends. I'm also thankful that Wonwoo and Mingyu for taking care of me when I was in the worst condition of life. Thank you too to that circle of yours for being friends with me. I'm genuinely happy.

Also, do remind Jihoon to get all of my music files so he could use it in the future.

My last request would be that, take out the wedding dress that I wore during our wedding and put it in our shared closet. That way, you'd always be reminded that I'm always by your side

Take care. I love you and would always do. Live your life to its fullest my dear, good things will come to you !

- Sophia

≿----- ❈ -----≾

My tears were rolling down my cheeks. I'm so sorry for not being a great husband for you. Of course, I did all of her requests. Well... Except for getting married part. I don't think I'd want to do so. I want to focus on Julia.

Years had passed and I'm happy with my life now. Julia's growing up just fine and she resembles Sophia so much though she's more interested in the business field, which is where I am in now. She does have a tad bit of love in music, and is learning a few instruments. I don't really tell her about Sophia's room or even her past occupation. I just told her the basic things of her.

"Father, I've been meaning to ask you about something" Julia approached me

"Hm ? What is it ?" I asked her

"What's behind the locked room beside mine ???" she asked

"Oh, that room" I uttered

"Do you wanna see it ?" I asked

"Well, if you'd allow me to. I'm not that curious anyways" she chuckled

"Well, if you'd want to, you'd be able to know about your mother more" I responded with a smile and her eyes lit up

"Can I ?" she asked for confirmation

"Of course, let's go and check it out" I chuckled

"Go wait at the room, I'll grab the key" I said to her and got off of the couch as I head to my room to grab the key.

I went to that room and Julia was already waiting there. I unlocked the door and opened it. Her eyes glistened when she seed different types of instruments, Sophia's albums, her equipments. Well, basically all of her artsy stuffs.

"Wowwwww so pretty !!!" said Julia excitedly

"Are these all mother's ???" she asked

"Of course it is" I chuckled

"These albums too ?!" she asked as she was examining the albums that were placed on the racks

"Yup" I replied as I laughed

She was looking through it, admiring her to its fullest

"It's a shame I've never gotten to see her huh..." she uttered as she pursed her lips afterwards

I placed my arm on her shoulder

"She's watching you from above honey, so don't be sad" I said to her

She smiled as let out of a soft chuckle

"Of course..." she uttered

She began to ask more and more about her and of course, I gladly told her everything that she wanted to know. Telling this story of her, made me realize on how much I've missed her. Memories of her came flooding through, but I can't be sad forever. She wants me to live my life to its fullest, that's what I'd do.

Maybe one day, we'd be able to meet again

+ E n d +

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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