Forget Me Not || 17

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[ - sophia kim - ]

Weeks have passed and honestly, I felt... Alive... Coming here wasn't a mistake after all. Though... I couldn't recall any of my past other than my childhood life. Not that I mind about it anyways, but I do wish to at least remember it

Just hearing about it isn't actually enough. I feel like, I have no rights to forgive Joshua at all since I don't remember anything about it. I don't know... That's just how I felt about all of these.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with him now, but if I suddenly recalled all of my memories... Then what ? Would I still stay with him ? Would I dump him ? These thoughts have been on my mind and honestly I don't think it's healthy for me.

"Sophia, is everything alright ?" Joshua asked, snapping me out of my thoughts

"Oh. Yeah, I'm alright. Just a bit spaced out" I replied

"I see" he uttered

"Say... If you don't mind, can you tell me about your wrongdoings to me ? It's as if, there's something else that I didn't know" I asked him


"I won't leave you. So I really would like to know. I know well I left wasn't because of you but because of something else that I didn't know so what is it ?" I cut him off

He let out of a sigh as he pursed his lips

"You see... I don't really know much of it since both od us weren't talking to each other anymore during that period but the reason you left would probably be because of your second miscarriage" said Joshua

"Ah. Second miscarriage." I responded blankly

"It was my fault that it happened and up until now, it left a bitter taste in my mouth. If only I wasn't stupid and stubborn at that time, we probably wouldn't have to go through all of these madness" said Joshua as he stared out of the window

"So... I'm really sorry Sophia. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have to go through all of these. I've caused all of these pain and grief for you. I don't think I deserve your forgiveness" he added as he looked at me. His gaze was soft and full of regrets

"That's not what you can decide Joshua. I've forgiven you and you deserve every inch of it my dear. We promise to restart our lives right ? So let's do that" I held his hand

"That sounds about right" he smiled. It was gentle and soothing

We were then disturbed by Joshua's ringtone. He took his phone and looked at the screen. I also saw it


His co-worker maybe ??

"May I take this call for a bit ??" he asked

"I-I promise it's not what it looks like" he added

"Oh no no, go ahead. It might be important" I responded

He stood up and went to the kitchen. I don't really want to eavesdrop so I switched on my phone to check on my social medias

[ - joshua hong - ]

Once I entered the kitchen, I answered the call

≿----- ❈ -----≾

Hello hello

Hello Eunji

Why did you call me ?

Forget Me Not • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now