Forget Me Not || 02

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[ - wonwoo jeon - ]

On the next day, we went to visit her after we were done with our works. It was around 11 AM so pretty much she's awake by then. We came to her ward to see that Jeasun hyung is here.

"Oh, good morning Wonwoo, Mingyu" he greeted us with a smile

"Good morning hyung" both of us greeted in unison

"Have you two eaten ?" he asked and we nodded as an answer

"That's good to hear" said Jaesun as he was still keeping on a smile

Just by seeing Jaesun hyung, I couldn't help but got reminded of her old self. They look like twins, but they're not. 6 years of age gap if I wasn't mistaken of it

"Hyung have you notified your family of her accident ?" Mingyu asked and he nodded

"Good morning Sooyoung !" Mingyu then greeted Sooyoung

"G-good morning" she greeted him back

"I'm off to work now. I can't be late than I already am" Jaesun stood up and Sooyoung stopped him but tugging his sleeve

"Do you really need to go...?" she asked him as she was frowning

"I have to my baby. Oppa is busy with works and I can't stay here all day. Your Wonwoo oppa and Mingyu oppa is here to look after you now" said Jaesun as he pats her head softly

"I'll visit again on the evening" he kissed her temple and left

Even after losing her memories, she sure is attached to her brother. I mean, even when we were a toddler, Jaesun hyung was barely there. Compared to Soomin noona, we'd only see Jaesun hyung like 3 times per month

"Sooyoung, don't be sad okay ? He'll come back soon" said Mingyu to her as he smiled at her

She doesn't seem to be accepting of us right now. This reminded me back when she didn't know both Mingyu and I yet. Maybe she does has some of her old memories ???

"Sooyoung, do you maybe remember both of us ?" I asked and she shook her head

"You're shy ?" I asked and she nodded

"Ah, that's why you barely even talk. Just like the old days huh" Mingyu chuckled

"Have you eaten earlier ?" I asked her and she just nodded

This really is bringing me back to memory lane huh

Both of us tried to start up any conversation that we could and she mostly answered with a nod or just shook her head as a yes and a no. She doesn't seem to want to talk much. Just like the first time we've met her. She must've has some fragments of her memories then

"Sooyoung, do you remember who that guy was before he even told you ?" I asked, wanting to make sure and she nodded

"You're really attached to him. What's the reason ?" I asked

"Jason is too busy and he rarely comes back home..." she frowned


Mingyu looks at me as he was surprised by that

"When did you remember all of that ?" I asked her

"Last night,,,," she replied as she was fiddling with her fingers

Mingyu looked overjoyed when he heard that. So it is possible for her to recall her memories but this will take A LONG time. Guess we'd have to work hard on this

"Do you by any chance remember us ?" Mingyu asked and she shook her head

"That's a bummer, buy we can make things work !" said Mingyu with a grin

"So, what do you want to know about" I asked her

"How old am I now ???" she asked. I'm sure she's just really confused to see how big she is now

"You're currently 28" Mingyu replied

"Eh-- That much time have passed already ???" she was surprised

"What am I doing for a living though ???" she asked as she was excited to know

"You're a soloist and a producer" I replied to her

"Uwah,,, I've always thought being a producer and a singer is amazing, I wasn't expecting to actually become one since... Mother is a bit against that,,,," said Sooyoung as she sounded disappointed

"But who would've thought that, I actually ended on becoming one" she laughed softly

It has been a while ever since we've ever seen you like this. The feeling of joy just by seeing you this way is limitless.

She started to open up slowly to us and seeing her this way couldn't help but makes us happier. It has been a while ever since we've seen her like this. I'm wondering if it's better for her to remember all of her memories or for her to stay the way she is now...

"Say... Was my life messy ?" she suddenly asked

"I-it was decent !" Mingyu lied

"There's... No need to lie about it. Besides, there are always ups and downs in life right ?" said Sophia

Mingyu looked at me, contemplating on whether he should tell her about it or not. She seemed to want to know it so we're kind of thinking on whether we should tell her or not.

"Maybe something really bad had happened. Maybe I was rushing things too much" she chuckled

"I'll take things slowly now" she added

We let out a sigh of relief. Neither of us wants to tell us whatever the hell happened in her whole life just yet. It might triggers her memories...

"Have I maybe been in a relationship ? What's my relationship status ?" she asked

"Currently, you're married" I replied carefully

"I'm married ? Why isn't my husband here then ?" she asked

Oh gosh-- Think quickly Jeon Wonwoo

"He's working abroad ! That's why he isn't here" said Mingyu

"Ah, he must be really busy then" she sounded a bit disappointed

"He is the CEO after all" said Mingyu

"Oh really ?? Wow, I would've never expected to have married a CEO" she laughed

"I mean... Mom and dad are always busy so I can't expect him to be here" she had a sad smile plastered on her face

I looked at Mingyu. Should we maybe ask Shua hyung to come ? I mean all of us have forgiven him.... But we don't know about her.... Will she be alright....? Isn't it too early to tell her ??? But if we don't tell her then wouldn't she be longing to meet him ??

Both Mingyu and I are stuck in a dilemma. Oh god, what to do...

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